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Image Comments posted by spaske


    Bravo. I wonder why we cant see more of your work. I see that you have good equipment , you use it very good , and there is originality also...all we need is a more work... i wait....
  1. Sve najbolje , zelim da nastavis da uzivas u svom radu i da i dalje delis svoje uspehe sa nama! Puno pozdrava iz Srbije!

    P.S. Pogledaj datum mog rodjenja , kada sam se rodio , sledeci dan je umro "Veliki marsal" , moj tata mora da je plakao sledeci dan , kao veliki komunista :). Izgleda da je otisao kada je video da ima naslednika:) !




    An old man siting on bay , fishing and stranger comes and ask him :

    - What do you do with fish you catch ?

    - Nothing , I give some to friends , some for dinner , for my old

    lady , some for the other one - old man answers

    - Why don't you sell it? - stranger asks

    - And than what ?

    - Than you could earn some money and buy a boat , and catch more ,

    bigger fish...

    - And then ? - old man asks

    - Than you could earn much more money , buy a bigger boat ,yacht or

    something and enjoy in your life... - stranger explains

    - And what am i doing now , :) !?



    Thank you for your critiques , and sorry cause my English.

  2. Thank you for visiting my portfolio. As soon i capture some interesting photos about pikes ... I'll let you know. I have a lot of them , but there's no artistic approach. I LOVE all of them but people wouldn't understand , maybe some like you and me...Keep in touch !
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