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davey h

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Posts posted by davey h

  1. Hi to all hope you can help?. I have a d300 with different lenses all nikon

    70-200 vr 2.8 standard 18-70 and sigma 10-20. Took some pictures the other day

    in apperture priority with 70-200 vr with image quality set to raw the camera

    reading was about 1200th aperture around 5.6. When i pressed the shutter release

    the camera sounded about a 30th of a second maybe slower. I took a few snaps all

    the same motion. The images came out over exposed i checked the +/- all ok.


    I then switched the image quality back to jpeg fine large and all ok pics turned

    out fine with same shutter speed. I then switched back to raw and old problem

    came back then back to jpeg and all ok again. Any help would be appreciated Thanks

  2. Hi i have tried all 3 lenses which without any trouble on my d200. Just wondered if i should

    hang on a couple of months to let the first batch go through Thanks

  3. Hi to all be gentle with me!


    Just had to take back my second d300! I got my first a month ago took it home with a big grin on my face

    having just got a good price for my treasured d200. I attached my 80-200 nikon 2.8 lens and turned the

    camera on! only to find that when i pressed the shutter release the camera focused to infinity and back to

    the closet setting and that was it! The camera did the same with my other two lenses standard 18-70

    nikon and 10-20 sigma. so took the camera back to the shop were they changed it with no problem.


    Camera 2 i tried in the shop and brill focused straight away with no problems. I took the camera out

    today for it,s first test and boo hoo started playing up! The main thing was giving false information about

    shutter speeds! I took a couple of snaps aperture priority with my 80-200 2.8 nikon lens. The camera info

    stated that the settings were 250th shutter and 5,6 aperture all good so far but when i released the

    shutter the shutter speed at a rough guess was more like 15th of a second very slow you could hear how

    slow i looked at the image on the screen to see a image greatly over exposed with camera shake. I

    checked the exif info and it stated 250th and 5.6. This happened on a few occasion.


    The camera has also had trouble focosing ie images not in focus when the camera said it is. Have i been

    really unlucky or has other people had any similar problems. Many Thanks.

  4. Hi to all just a quick question i have just purchased a third party cable remote

    and it dooesnt allow me to take pics it will focus the camera but wont allow the

    shutter to open! i have read some where there is a setting in the menu you have

    to change for this to work but i cannot find it any help would be appreciated

    many Thanks PS the remote is made by jianisi rsn1

  5. Hello to all. Havindg purchased a D200 and know about the short battery life.

    Would anyone know if i have to run the battery completely flat before

    recharging. ie if i was to go out and take approx 100 pics and want to go out

    the following day not wanting to run out of battery life. I hope to buy another

    spare battery soon thanks for any help.

  6. Hi guys my wife is treating herself to a 30d and wants a decent walkabout lens.

    She shoots all kinds of subjects people landscapes flora so a mixed bag really.

    we have read reviews on the kit lens (18-55) and it doesnt seem to clever. The

    lens doesnt have to be image stabalizer but wants to be around 24-70 it doesnt

    have to be canon and is willing to spend up to about �5oo or about $750-$800

    Thanks Guys.

  7. Hi guys i have started using Smart Sharpen in cs2 ok i set Amount to 300 Radius

    to 1.0 and Remove to Lens blur all ok so far on the preview on both main image

    and preview image but once i click ok and image has loaded the image goes back

    to looking the same as it did before. Is this normal? and has the final image

    (providing i have saved it) going to keep the sharpening settings. Thanks

  8. Thanks for reading my question this is for my wife who would like to buy the

    nikon D200. my wife wants to take high speed images of horses! however the great

    british weather aint brill and can be quiet overcast. so the camera would be set

    to maybe 800 or even 1600 iso to get the high shutter speeds.

    People say that the noise is a issue for this camera could anyone give us some

    welcome advice. Thanks

  9. Hi to every one if this question has been asked before then i am sorry but

    couldnt find it on Threads. I am in the market for a 24-105 lens as it fits

    nearly all my requirments! however reading different reviews on the lens some

    say they have had "bad copys" would anyone know if this is a common complaint?.

    A big thanks for any replys.

  10. Hello to all please help! would anyone know of a straight forward "method" or

    "setting" to make my images the correct size to show on this site. I have some

    images already on here but it is more hit and miss than good technique. I use

    cs2 but dont know what would be a good size (image and file) to make my images

    and hope to find a straight forward formula to use. A big Thanks to all.

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