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Image Comments posted by jmf

    Palm Torso

    very nice. might have been tempted to clone out the little light bits near the right border, but otherwise, great use of light to model the textures.
  1. It's a good shot that manages to convey the space well. Whats amazing is the number of photos I see here that try to do the same thing and totally lose the point of the photo. This comes off well.


    I've got a super too with one of those 135's. They were really meant as news cameras thus the slightly wide standard lens. If you shop smart, you can pick up a used caltar 210 f/5.6 for reasonable money. It's not like you need to cover huge movements. Otherwise it's very nice.
  2. I really like the simplicity of this and a good pose too. I normally like a little more modeling with light, but this works nicely with the contrast between their skin and hair and clothes


    personal taste, but the persepctive enlargement of your feet doesn't work for me. Either get a bit higher to balance it out or even crop just under her (your) bottom. I do like the way you've composed yourslef in the frame.


    maybe it's my monitor, but her shoulder seems brighter than her face, and the eye will be drawn to the contrasting part of this image. Since it's low to mid tones in general, the shoulder jumps out at me. I would of PP'ed this to burn down th eshoulder area and dodge her face brighter.


    I loved this shot till I scrolled down to the jeans. Whats with the jeans and how do they fit the tableau? Is the message, "I dropped my pants and got a migraine"? I don't even see the fantasy element here ('course it's not my fantasy). I'd say either up and open to suggest what lies below, or off and show those great legs.
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