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Posts posted by cmonkey

  1. <p>Sumit, I think too many people think landscape photos are only taken using wide angle lenses. I use a moderate telephoto or normal lens for most of my landscapes. One important point you will want to research (if you plan to stitch together panos): do some search and research on the nodal point of the lens. It is typically the front of the front element of the lens. If you rotate around the nodal point, you won't have weird perspective or distortion problems to deal with. Really Right Stuff sells a bracket that allows you to rotate your lens around the nodal point.</p>
  2. Hello Greg, When I was working in the motion picture industry we used a "Director's Finder" (do a Google search on the term). There are expensive ones that allow lenses to be fitted, or probably one of the more affordable versions might be something like the Cavision finder that has the optics built in and shows focal lengths for various movie formats (35mm being one of them): http://www.cavision.com/viewfinders/VFM11X.htm
  3. I'm going on a trip to Brazil, where I hear the flowers and insects are quite beautiful. I want to carry minimal

    equipment because I'll be taking a tripod, and just a dslr and my 50mm lens. Normally I would use my bellows to

    do closeup shots, but thought I would look into buying an Nikon extension tube. I was a little surprised that

    Nikon doesn't make tubes that meter and autofocus? Does anyone know if they plan to, or have any experience with

    Kenko (I think) that makes tubes with the contacts? Will newer AF lenses work with these tubes? The camera will

    be a D100 by the way.

  4. Yes, I would stay alert around Havana. My boyfriend and I were "mugged" in an area around the resort we were staying at. The police won't help you--well maybe if you speak Spanish :-). We left most of our cash and belongings at the hotel, but lost an old Nikon and some ID. It was a hassle more than anything.


    The people generally are very warm and seem to like tourists. The resorts treat you like kings and queens. The food and drink is wonderful though. The scenry is very beautiful. We were treated very well, but I would definitely be alert. The crime is probably not as bad as areas of US big cities, but being from Iowa, we were not anticipating the incident.

  5. My uncle is giving me his Nikonos IV-A camera with 35mm lens. I can't get a

    strait answer on whether it has rangefinder type focusing or if it has zone

    focusing. Can anyone tell me if I have to guess or if I can focus with the view


  6. Thanks for all the feedback. I was hoping the comment I read about Canon only having one lens design that isn't compatible with new bodies, didn't affect me. I'll probably keep some of the Canon equipment for film use, but I'm wide open on which DSLR (and now lens system) to buy. I like the way my friends Nikons handle and the images they get from their cameras. I've seen good things with Canon DSLRs too, but a little leary of the investment in the new lenses. Hopefully they won't change anytime soon, if I go that route.
  7. It's a fair buy, especially if the lens is very new. You can easily find it for less money on the auction site, but with Hasselblad (or other pro-level equipment), it's very, very difficult to determine how much wear there really is. If I could get it less than or around $1K, I'd feel better about it. Since it is a friend, you ought to do side by side shooting between the two cameras in real-world situations, like those you might use it in, then see which you like more.
  8. Interesting review by PhotoZone of the f/1.4 and f/1.8 versions.





    I sort of read that of the two samples used to test the f/1.4, that performance isn't as good as "the legend" of the faster lens, and that the test goes out of its way because people don't believe the performance wasn't as good as people thought it would be. The f/1.8 tested very favorably however.

  9. I'm quite confused about what setting to use on a D200 to get the fastest

    autofocus for my lenses. I've got some AFS lenses, but it seems the camera has

    difficulty keeping up, even with high contrast subjects. I think it's just

    because I don't know which matrix metering and all that I should be using. Can

    anyone share some advice? Thank you.

  10. Never in my life have I seen this, and I don't think you will because it's sort of a competitive / trade secret. You can ocassionally find lists of serial numbers for older equipment that can give you a clue... if they're true. I.e., a lens COULD be listed with a range of serial numbers from 10001 to 340001, indicating 33,000 units, but in reality, the last serial number only goes to 21,001 or something.
  11. The 10 pin Nikon digital release for my D200 is so expensive! Does

    anyone else have a more affordable supplier for the simple operation

    of triggering the camera? My D50 used a $14 IR remote. Thanks! Cheryl

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