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Image Comments posted by shannnonspage

    Seagull's Attack

    This photo scares the daylights out of me! At first I was going to say I wish you'd gotten the wing tips in the frame, but picturing myself out there with a crazy seagull coming down on me...I probably wouldn't have even gotten the bird in the frame! :)

    See org

    This life is ending. The softness doesn't do justice to the stark reality of the sadness of the original. But, then again, I'm just partial to that one. I do like that you removed the two light spots by the stem.

    Daffodil #3

    This is a striking photograph. I love the colors and the placement...with a slight Georgia O'Keefe feel with the petals out of the frame.
  1. Darn moving crowd and the wrong lens led to the lack of sharpness,

    but it's the feeling about it that I like the most. My own Paw-Paw

    wore mouse ears in his day and this photo makes me grateful for him

    and all the other ears-wearing grandparents of the world.

    Toques de Violeta

    How I wish for the demise of the nagging to-do list screaming endlessly in my head that has blocked my ability to stop and see the beauty in the things around me. I'm glad you're here to point them out for me. Beautifully done, Scott.


    Your photo is gorgeous! It makes me think. Getting this exposure right would send me reeling and the symbolism is so striking. I look forward to seeing more.


    Bill, this is such a lovely photo. I'm immediately drawn to the little one's eyes peeking out and then to the flower and the older girl, enjoying the bits and pieces and wondering about the rest of the scene. Definitely my kind of photo, especially in B&W, and the edges finish it off very well.

    jump II

    Daniela, this is such a fun photo! I love the coloring of the swimsuit and the sun on her skin against the blue in the sky. Did you take it near dusk? My favorite time for natural light.
  2. Since tastes are so different, I know this one won't grab everyone,

    but even a technically imperfect photo can speak to someone, and I

    can't help but wonder what's going on behind these eyes. Thanks for



    William, the face, the collar, the lighting...what a fantastic combination. This photo would bring a smile to my face on even a dark day!
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