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Posts posted by Xinca

  1. I am sure it is the front elements.

    I post this question here is just because I am not a super experience used lens guy. I used to have a used 28-135 IS. That one even worse but it works realy well.

    I just want to know whether it is a problem or it is normal for a used lens.

    Tks for the reply.

  2. Just got a EF 70-200/F4 from a member here But I found a problem: If I

    shake the lens I can feel the front elements is moving. I try serval

    other EF lens I own and I can not find the same problem.

    I think the front elements should be securing.

    If it is a problem I will ask a refund right. So please let me know.

    Tks a lot!

  3. I got the lens from a member here - He is such a nice guy!

    I got the adapter from ebay:

    Something like this:



    I am sorry I do not have EF 50/1.4 because I think it is too expensive. But to be honst the zeiss 50/1.4 + adapter cost is close to EF 50/1.4 already.

    But I like this Zeiss 50/1.4. Because it make me take photo slowly. So I have more time to see from the view finder. It is like just for fun and actually there are a lot of fun to use this MF lens.

  4. WIll do it again but only on the rebel xt - because the EFS lens can not be mount to 10D.

    The reason I did this test is actually I want to know how much better the L compare to the the most cheap lens. So I can know when I should use the cheap one and when I should use the L. You know sometime it is now worth to use the L.


    Maybe the next test will be in this weekend because I also want to test the color. I have to find some place which I can test the detail and color.

  5. Gediminas P: If someone always want to use the lens at F8 I really do not think he need any good lens. I want to the F4 with 17-40/F4 because I need it.

    I got the EF 17-40/F4 with 600US$ and the 18-55 maybe worth 100US$ so it is only 6 times expensive.

    My point is if someone want to buy the EOS rebel XT or 20D maybe he should buy the body only and add 500$ to buy the EF 17-40.


    Sheldon Hambrick: For my understanding if I make a big photo smaller the photo should be better. Mabybe I was worng.


    Anyway I try test the both lens on rebel xt again later and post the result.



  6. I heard there are some problem with some UV. So can anyone who own

    this lens and use UV please post the extatly UV name(modal) here. If

    you can post the link should be even better.

    I am going to order one from the internet so I have to make sure of it.


    b+w or hoya should my best choice.



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