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Image Comments posted by thanhthanh

    left alone

    ...For a newbie, you have the command of b&w. Keep on photographing. You may have lots to show the world. ... And consider photographing one day for UNICEF, etc. :-)


    Clarity of water & reflection - fantastic! Good composition. My eyes moved from the center to the rows of houses beyond attracted by the yellow house. Maybe cropping on the right. Any case, well done.


    I liked that his face is shadowed. It could be anyone. The identity is not important as to what he's asking, which is not much, and how he asked it. From his stance, he does it with dignity.

    The Look


    Alec, an old photographer friend once commented that photos from digitals don't have the "pop", or 3-D affect. Being very "green" with digitals & photography, I simply listened. However, seeing this shot, I'd like to argue otherwise. The bird appears capable of coming out of the frame & snap back! :-)


    That's quite a look.

  1. Gorgeous colors! I love the red doors. I also have an affinity towards houses and buildings. Within their walls, someone was born...someone laugh & cried...someone loved...someone lived...and someone died.
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