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Posts posted by yefimovich_ilia

  1. Question for one's that used:


    I have rollei 6001 with 80mm f/2.8 lens and 17mm Tube...I'm in need of Portrait

    lens for my studio work...I want to make close-up portraits and I was thinking

    of 150mm f/4 Zeiss lens that could be nice for me with 17mm tube that i have:)

    But I today I found very cheap 250 f/5.6 zeiss lens and i Thought maybe to take

    it instead of 150mm?? would the 250mm be good for studio close-up portraits ?

  2. I need another Flash for my studio, I have Vilensky 850 (it's made in Israel).

    So now I'm looking for something good..And now I need to choose from 3

    companies: Profoto Compact 600 Plus or Brincolor Minicom 80 or Elinchrom Style

    FX 400 (but there is now riper shop for Elinchrom in Israel, If something goes

    wrong I'll be in need to send to Russia- Because i'll buy it there)..

    Elinchrom is the cheapest for me but I'm afraid to stack with broken flash:(..

    And another option is Profoto Acute with to head 3-4 year old with new Cables

    and new Flashtubes for only $800 but they are old and no warranty ...


    I very much want the Acute system,do you think is it safe to buy it?

  3. I'm going for a trip to Prague and was thinking of buy equipment there. Maybe

    some one know a good photo shops where i can find Zeiss optics for Rollei!?


    I know only one shop : www.fotoskoda.cz




    IF some one know a good place please write me:)

  4. IF there a lens that focuses very close or I need to take extension tube for 150

    or 180 lens. I was looking on Xenar 180mm f/2.8 but if i take it second hand

    it's steal 2500 $ that i don't have so I think of getting Sonnar 150mm f/4

    second hand for $700 in great condition.. But will one of this lenses late me

    shoot a real close-up or it will take a more bellow the shoulder shoot? Do I

    need to add in this case extension tube,if YES so the smallest one in order to

    make lass distortion ??




    How good the 180mm f/2.8 Xenar vs. 150mm f/4 Sonnar ???










    Would the Sonnar or Xenar late me make close portrait as on my example or i need

    to add tube??

  5. Now is the time to buy a meter. But I don't know which to take:(???


    I was thinking Sekonic (L-308S or L-358) or maybe Spectra (Professional IV-A

    Digital Exposure Meter (P-2000EL-A)... I need something not so big and expansive..

    Need something to work with outside and something that will work with my flashes

    in studio(I need the light meter in order not to take my 35mm with me all the

    time to meter the exposure)..


    I need the light meter for medium format (Rollei 6001)...


    ** I was thinking of Seconic (L-398A) but it mechanic and I'm more into digital

    light meter,the more functional one:):)



    Help me!!!:I have about $350 maybe little bit more....

  6. Why use what??? I need a Backpack for Rollei 6001 with lens and back..+ light

    meter and extra free space...I think of Crumpler "pretty boy" or National

    Geographic Explorer Medium Backpack...what do you think???I need a small

    Backpack for camera and staff....Small for everyday...

  7. I want to buy a small Backpack for medium format (rollei 6001 pro) I need a

    place for the camera with lens,palace for meter i need. and a little bit of

    extra space.

    I was thinking of Lowepro Orian trekker or NG-5162 or Crumpler Karachi or

    Crumpler half for camera equipment and half regular backpack. Well I know that

    6x6 it's not 35mm and it's big and need a big bag...Please help me find the

    right back for medium format (backpack)...

  8. What is better to take. I'll shoot in studio and outside...portrets, snap-shot

    and i need for my portfolio projects 6x6 camera.(it is not for my work) It's

    only for me and my portfolio....


    I can take now a second hand Rollei 6006 with 2 battery's (charger) 80mm f/2.8

    lens, 120 Back , Polaroid back and Sonnar 250mm f/5.6 lens for $1400...


    OR to buy Rollei 6001 Pro for the shop..They say-"It's New" with 120 back and

    50mm f/2.8 lens for $1700...


    What to Take???And if there is a really big differers between them?

  9. THank you all and What do you think about Rollei 6006: I can get it very cheap with 2 lenses : Sonnar and the 80mm f/2.8 ...With 2 battery's , Hood's for the lenses and Polaroid and regular backs...What do you think??? Is it worth $1200???
  10. I fell in LOVE with MF. I need for one of my projects big frame,so i started

    looking for rent MF (6X6 or 645) and some one gave me Bronica the 6x4.5... After

    I saw the positives(Fuji Provia) that i shoot, I fell in love with MF.

    I had Kiev 60 couple year ago and i hated the mechanics of that camera.


    I'm thinking to buy MF camera in couple of mouths (somewhere near April, I hope

    I'll buy it before).


    So now I started to look for Camera and lens. I know for sure that I'll take 6X6

    and not 645. But know i have a problem:On the one hand I'll love to buy Rollei

    6003 pro or 6008 and I'll take it with it's kit lens the 80mm f/2.8 (not the

    Schneider-because it very expensive) but on the over hand i thing of something

    cheaper maybe Bronica SQ-Ai or Hassy 500C they cost lass and I can afford them

    Evan now.

    The basic question is Bronica/Hassy VS. Rollei...And if Bronica/Hassy so the

    SQ-AI or 500c ???



    Thank you...

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