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Image Comments posted by hungnguyen

  1. Birte, I went to school in Armidale NSW. Every summer, and the summers were so long then, we would drive down to the sea, taking the Dorrigo Rd, stopping at Ebor falls. There were family picnics and school excursions to this waterfall. Then, after we learnt how to drive there were trips down the coast with friends who could barely drive. There were trips with our girlfriends. There were trips in the sun, in the darkness of the evenings, in the fog of the early mornings. I had not been back to this area for 12 years or more. This photo, technically accomplished as it is, happens to bring back to me a lot of very nostalgic memories. Thanks.


    Hung Nguyen

  2. As a Vietnamese who lived through much of the "American war" (as opposed to the "French war" prior to that) I would agree

    with Animesh Ray that wars are composed of many dirty, atrocious, despicable, regrettable, inhuman and inexcusable acts,

    especially seen in retrospection. The disastrous effects of a war can last over generations, to both sides. These physical

    deformities seen in this photo are but the external manifestations of an ugliness of our collective souls. Our revulsion,

    stated so clearly by most of the commentators of this photo, is a result of feeling a collective guilt. Hopefully, in that guilt

    lies our capacity for forgiveness and redemption too. Thanks Roland Schmid for a strong anti-war statement.

    Sadly as I am writing this Russia and Georgia are engaging in a conflict that will resolve in huge loss of lives and loss of

    good will to achieve peace for generations yet to come.



    This is is an example of how far this forum has advanced people. A few years ago these astounding macros are nowhere to be seen but

    there has been quite a number of these beautiful, technically accomplished macro photos on PN of late...a very positive development. It is

    refreshing that the authors are always very forthcoming with technical advices too. The standards for macros have just been lifted. My


    Kind regards, Hung Nguyen

  3. A positive comment always means a lot to me, especially from one of my favourite people of all time. Thank you Birte and may your conservation messages continue to find many more willing listeners.


  4. An estuarine crocodile can jump more than 3/4 of its body length out of the water. It

    does not do a run-up to gather momentum like a dolphin would. Instead it would arch

    its back, lifting its head out of the water, then uses its powerful tail to propel the rest of

    the body clear out of the water from a standing start. A 4-metre crocodile can therefore

    grab a prey from a tree branch 3 metres above the surface of the river. One does not

    sit out on a tree branch to fish in the Norther Territory however inviting it may look.

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