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Posts posted by dreamspy1

  1. hi<br><br>


    I'm currently considering which large format camera I should get. I'we heard

    really good things about the Sinar F1 and F2 cameras. But I'we been rather

    drawn towards the wooden LF cameras like the <a href

    ="http://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/tachihara.htm"> tachihara </a> basicly because

    I like the feel of them. I believe that a camera with a good feel and

    preferably a "soul" will make my picture taking experience more enjoyable :)<br><br>


    But I'we also heard that those wooden cameras will not give me the flexibilty of

    the Sinar. I'm quite found of shooting wide angel (something from 16-20mm on

    35mm), but I know nothing about how the LF cameras perfom in the wide angle

    area. Any thoughts on this? Most LF pictures I'we seen seem to be not to wide.

    Would the Sinar be any better for this kind of pictures?<br><br>


    Another thing I'we been wondering about. I live in Iceland, the weather here

    tends to be rather cold, although usualy never belowe -10 degress celcius (14

    degress fahrenheit). Will the wooden types suffer from this? I'm considered

    about how the heat change will affect the camera. Bringing the camera from -10

    degress into my living room will result in a rather sudden heat change.<br><br>




    gallery: www.skynvilla.is/dreamspy

  2. Hi


    I am located in Iceland and it's hard to get proper sensor cleaning equipment

    here, except ordering from europe or the US.


    My status is that I have some drop marks (mouthwater) on my sensor, which came

    there when I was trying to blow away some dust. How stupid is that! :)


    Now these tiny spots are showing up on my pictures, and I really want to get rid

    of them.


    I have some methanol (99.8% I think) which I got from the pharmacy, and I also

    got some sterile cotton pins (they look like earpins, but are more firm and are

    sterile). I was going to clean my sensor with this, but the woman at the

    pharmacy was really sceptical about this, and told me to be reeealy carefull

    because methanol is so poisonous.


    So any thougts on this? Should I go on and clean my sensor using this

    equipment, or should I order some special made cleaning stuff from abroad?


    I also talked to my local camera shop, and they have these little pens, with

    eraser like tips, something they say could help me, but I'm not so sure :-S

  3. I am located in Iceland, so learning the technical aspects by myself is hardly an option. Plus, beeing in an academic environment is something I'd like.


    I'we been taking a look on the Institude of Optics at the University of Rochester. Don't know if it's to advanced for my needs. Anybody been through that program? Anybody know how hard it is, how many people fall out etc.

  4. Hi there


    I am on the look for schools that teach imaging science, photographic science or

    scientific photography. Even something like optical engineering is considered.

    Basicly everything related to the technological side of photography.


    The schools that I had my eye on are:


    RIT - they have the Imaging and Photographic Technology program, which is quite



    RMIT - They have a similar program to RIT, I'we been told


    University of Westminster - They have a program called Photographic Science.

    That program sounds promising, but probably not as technical as the other two above.



    So my question is. Does anybody know of any schools / programs that might suit

    my needs? Or does anybody know where to look for information? I'we had a hard

    time finding any information regarding this matter.




    Frimann Kjerulf

  5. Thank you all for your input on the macro subject.


    I have done quite allot of macro work, most of it beyond 1:1, using strange techniques like a reversed 50mm on a 300mm lens. Not quite sure what ratio that gives me though.

    Although almost none of it is on my web page. I guess I'll give the mp-e a try before I buy it, but it sure is tempting to be able to capture the textures of a fly's eye, or something similar. I have a decent focusing rail, would probably need a sturdier tripod though.

  6. Hi



    I'm considering buying the sigma 70-200mm lens. I'we read raving reviews about

    the 70-200mm F2.8 EX DG HSM one (not the macro one). But now I can see that

    they have a Macro version of this lens.


    Anybody know the difference between these two lenses? According to the sigma

    website, the difference of the two lensesis that the non macro lens doesn't have

    inner focusing (IF). And the macro lens has closer minimum focusing distance.


    Is this the only difference of the lenses? Is the image quality the same?


    The two lenses I am talking about can be found here:




    SIGMA 70-200mm F2.8 EX DG MACRO HSM</a>




    70-200mm F2.8 EX DG HSM</a>





    Frimann Kjerulf

  7. First of all, thanks for all your great answers.


    Maybe I should have noted that I'we already had a little experience with darkrooms, I have access to a rather good one at my school (color and b&w).


    Thank you Bob Gentile for your post, I'we been considering LargeFormat allot and probably going to give it a try. But I'm also considering some other film camera which is more portable.


    And yeah I think I'll be sticking to the advice some of you have made, not to sell my digital just yet, and maybe get a eos film camera to play around with.


    I would love to get some more recommendations on cameras, though the Xpan and Mamiya 7 are quite promising .

  8. Hi


    I am thinking about moving into large format photography, but I really don't

    know what my camera options are.


    Is there any good system you recommend for beginners? I probably would be

    willing to spend 2000-4000 dollars on it, but I really don't know what the

    pricerange is.


    Any recommendations on cameras, or maybe you know of a good webpage for me to




    Fr�mann Kjer�lf

  9. Hi


    I am currently thinking about doing a switch from digital to film.


    My setup now consists of the following items:


    Canon 20d

    10-22mm EF-s lens

    50mm 1.8 lens

    70-200 L lens

    Tamron 28-70

    550ex flash


    The main reason for my change is that I think the magic is wearing out. I

    usually know what to expect, and manipulating photographs in the computer is

    getting boring.


    I was thinking about getting an EOS film camera, and making use of my old

    lenses, and possibly keeping my 20d. But that's probably not going to get me



    So I'we been thinking about XPan or an old Leica, or even going into medium or

    large format, but I really don't know what cameras I should be looking at.


    What I am looking for is some recommendations on film cameras. Also if some of

    you might have some thought on the Xpan or the Leica cameras. I would probably

    be getting the 30mm lens with the Xpan since I am rather found of wide angle

    lenses. But medium format, and even a view camera, might be something I would

    be interested in, beeing able to do really large prints is something that I

    might be really interested in.




    Frímann kjerúlf

    gallery: skynvilla.is/dreamspy

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