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Image Comments posted by ny

    Sunnie 04

    Thanks Ken, i was considering kino-flos - it's nice to see them in use. but as all with photography - beauty is in the eye of the beholder :-) . love your work. all best, natasha

    Old pile fondation


    Didn�t expect my comment to cause a controversy - so here is why I said what I said.


    Growing up in russian winters, I have only seen this color of ice on the foot deep frozen sheets of ice on the filthy city roads. Soaked and drenched in dirt, oil and gas ran off that accumulated over a period of 5-6 months, those sheets of ice covering the roads had similar color. The effect was limited to roads and the brims of the roads only; the 6-8 foot icicles hanging of the buildings, frozen pathways and walk ways were white - periodic rimes covered everything in white crystal clear cover of ice - clean and white. This is the color of winter I remember - http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=528359


    And to see so much ice so severely discolored in the middle of such a great body of water is deep down disturbing to me. All I can think of is how much was dumped into that water for that whole bank to be that color. Global warming is just a result of man-made pollution.


    And Rilk, I find your conduct inappropriate and offensive, there is no need to use language like �chimes in with her ridiculous political stab� no matter the circumstances. It is rude. Especially when you don�t even know the person you are talking to and especially when you speak in public. If you wish to continue this discussion you may contact me in private. C. R. Hips, thank you very much for your comment. You are 100% right. To all others - I shared my thoughts because contrary to the usual, every time I opened photo.net the same thought went through my mind and for me this is �a good picture, and it works because of the emotion it evokes.

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