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Image Comments posted by teru

    Regeneration 803

    There's something disturbing about the length of those arms. I'm guessing (and hoping!) that the child was slumped forward to extend their arms to such lengths but it was a great decision to crop off the upper part of the body to create the illusion of a deformed body.
  1. Very nicely exposed. It really captures the mood; you can almost feel the quiet calm of the scene. The rock on the right is a little too massive though and draws too much attention.

    Winding Path


    It was a pretty hazy day and you're seeing the sky as it basically was. I would have prefered to wait until sunset for better lighting, but the park closes at 5pm.


    I didn't bring my GD filters with me, but with the whitish sky I don't think they could have done much.

    Winding Path


    Taken at the Hong Kong Wetland Park.


    I was wondering about the position of the walkway. Originally, I

    framed the photo so that the walkway extended all the way down to the

    lower left corner of the photo to create a path for the eye to

    follow. But afterwards, I decided to crop higher and have the walkway

    slightly off center (and to give the photo a more pano-effect). Does

    it work?

    First Bird Shot


    My first attempt at bird photography.


    I had to push my camera to ISO1600 to get fast enough shutter speeds

    to capture this shot. It's a bit noisy, but I'm pretty happy that I

    got the results that I did using the least expensive Nikon telephoto

    lens on the market (AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6G).


    Anyways, I like the way the yellow and black leaves in the background

    complement the colors of the bird, but is the background ultimately

    distracting or not?

    The Fisherman

    I was near the harbor with my camera when I came across this scene. The sunlight and haze combined to make this dreamy reflection effect on the water. Not much post processing done aside from cropping and resizing. The bright colors were the results of a CP-L filter and my usual camera setting of +1 saturation.

    Just curious, do you prefer the color version or the B&W version? The color one really emphasizes the contrast between the small red boat and the big cobalt sea, but the B&W version seems a bit more fitting with the theme of the photo.

    Hitler's Bitch


    I second the comment on the lipstick. Looks like blood, giving her a vampiric look :)


    BTW, exposure date 2007.06.19? So taking photos in the now isn't enough for you anymore, you need to do some time hopping?

    Tian Tan Buddha

    The Tian Tan Buddha at the Po Lin Monastary, Hong Kong.

    The day I shot this, the sun was shining and the sky was an incredible pattern of blue and white so I grabbed my gear and headed up the mountain to photo the Buddha. But Mother Nature is a fickle woman and the moment I reached the top, I found myself enveloped by clouds. Luckily, there were a few brief moments of sunlight breaking through so instead of blue sky and clouds, I got this different sort of feel.



    Another great model; what is your secret?


    Nice lighting, but it seems like a bit of a waste of the mirror. Do you have any shots of her looking at you via her reflection in the mirror?




    Great colors. Seems like there's a little too much ground showing though; I think a narrower panoramic framing would work better.
  2. I love how you framed the bend in the water. Good choice on B&W too; it's perfect for emphasizing the shadows and highlights. One slight issue for me is the reflection of the town lights on the water. Seems to break the natural pattern of the stream.


    Feels too cramped at the top; a little more space between the roof and the top of the frame would have been nice. Plus, a less sunny day would have matched the broken down feel of the barn better.

    High Park


    It looks like you were trying to capture the tranquility of the scene, but the photo feels a bit too busy. There's a lot going on with the bridge, the mini-falls and the foreground. Maybe a closer crop?


    Aside: the water in the foreground looks a bit odd too the way the left and right are motion blurred yet the area just under the rock is sharp. Was the rock preventing the water in front of it from moving? You might want to use a circular polarizer next time to take the glare off of the surface.


    Very nicely framed and well balanced. I like the contrast between the white surf and the dark sand. The stone in the foreground makes a good anchor for the shot.

    Damselfly at rest


    Taken at the Chi Lin Nunnery in Hong Kong. Probably could have gotten

    a sharper shot with a macro lens and tripod, but I wasn't expecting

    to shoot macros that day.


    Anyways, I was wondering about the framing. I wanted to include the

    stem, but does it take away from the shot?


    When I saw the thumbnail, I thought this was a reflection off of a building. I see now that it's a fence. Good balance/symmetry. Too bad the buses aren't moving as quickly as the other cars; a motion blur of all the vehicles would have created a nice effect.
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