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Image Comments posted by Charles_Webster

    Rough draft


    I agree with Frank about the tongue being behind the buckle. That way the fact that it's out of focus won't detract from the picture.


    You have to get rid of the price tag - too tacky.


    Your white balance is off, the white b/g looks very blue and the light across the b/g isn't even.


    Good luck


    Rough draft


    Better than the other one that I commented on.


    When you're working on plex like this you have another set of reflections and highlights to worry about. Here you have a very hot spot at the bottom of the frame that's brighter than the rest of the watch. Same with the reflections from the links at the back. The back light is a good idea to give definition and separation from the b/g, but it's too bright such that the highlight there is brighter than the face.


    Keep practicing, you'll learn what works and how to repeat it.



    Rough draft


    A decent start.

    A couple of things don't work here. The reflections on the sides of the watch are opposite. One's dark at top, the other is dark at bottom.  And the highlight at the upper right is blown out.

    Shoot with the camera in the dark, so there is no reflection of the room (such as you have in the left side of the watch. Be careful where you position your reflectors so you don't get the edge that you see on the left.

    Try moving your softbox more off axis, so it doesn't reflect in the curved surfaces.

    Always make sure the watch is sparkling clean. Use tech wipes (lint free) and isopropanol to remove your fingerprints. Then handle using lint free cotton gloves (such as negative cutters/handlers use).

    Keep practicing.





    I don't think you do justice to her in this picture. The skin tone is mottled and not smooth. A little retouching would make this picture of her perfect body more perfect.





    Scenes like this are very difficult to capture, especially with a point and shoot. The dynamic range of the light exceeds that of the sensor, so you've lost picture detail at both ends. The highlights are blown in the water, and the shadows are blocked up on the rocks.


    Waterfalls are often best captured with a longer shutter speed to smooth out the water action, giving that "silky" feel. Scenes like this are best captured without the distraction of the branches and saplings in the foreground and autos in the background.





    Very nice! I especially like the composition here, from corner to corner. A minor nit, I'd remove the building/hill/whatever at the bottom of the curve.


    Good work, thanks for sharing


    Got vermouth?


    Thanks Joao,


    The technical details are listed in the Details tab, under the photo. But as far as lighting, it was with only one 24" X 36" softbox, just out of the frame to the left.


    I experimented with the camera angle and the light position until I had the reflection I wanted. This was about the 200th frame of this subject.




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