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Posts posted by dead_metaphor

  1. "Leicaphiles seem to be mostly in denial, or minimize the extent of the problem. I am as big a fan as any of Leica's optics and their rangefinder cameras, but the flaws in my M8 were so glaring I can't even begin to fathom the levels of cognitive dissonance required to sustain a positive opinion of this train wreck in the making."


    That says it all.

  2. Well, introducing another required lens surface essentially negates the superiority of Leica optics and thus kills that argument for using a digital M system.


    What a lame excuse for a fix. My sense, cynical though it is, is that leica decided to take the cheap and easy route out b/c they think most of their clientele are kool-aid drinking snobs more interested in status than in a working camera. In any event, this speaks volumes about how Leica views its client base.


    Brad has a good point: Do you seriously think Canon or Nikon would try to get away with this, of that any self-respecting pro would drag around lenses with IR filters permanently attached? NHever. Wouldnt happen.


    If i was an M8 owner i'd be looking into a class action lawsuit against Leica for misrepresentation, fraud etc.

  3. Anyone who can justify a "fix" for a $5000 camera that requires a red filter on any lens you use is in serious denial.


    FWIW, i've owned more Leicas than I can count in the last 35 years, and I'll own a mechanical M till the day I die, but people paying $5k for a current M8 just prove the old adage "A fool and his money are soon parted."

  4. Isnt that a little excessive when any digital camera can be dedicated to IR with a simple sensor filter swap (digital sensors are typically sensitive to IR but the IR spectrum is blocked via a sensor filter)?


    FWIW, I have a d100 dedicated to IR. the conversion costs $250 and creates a dedicated digital IR camera with normal ISO sensitivity and none of the drawbacks of film IR e.g. slow exposures, IR lens filters, lightless handling etc.


    Go to www.lifepixel.com for more info.

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