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Image Comments posted by ionaorbinski

    Frozen Pier 2

    Thanks for the tip. I'll see if I can make it a bit smaller. I was going with signature at first, (see my earlier pictures) but I felt like creating a logo. Perhaps it's too big and round. Or perhaps I have to make the frame a bit bigger, so it won't interfere with the picture. Thanks for the tip!
  1. It's warm here in Finland for the time of year. Usually there is snow

    and the lakes are frozen. This picture was taken this morning and as

    you can see... no snow. The previous photo in this series was taken a

    month ago, when there was snow and ice! Comments/ratings welcome.

    Thanks for your time!

    The Pier


    Photo taken this morning in Finland. It was very cold. I'm satisfied

    with the picture, except for the top left part. Unfortunately I

    couldn't move further so that the thick branches wouldn't be visible.

    Comments/Ratings welcome. Thanks for your time!

    Frozen Pier 2


    Thanks for all your comments. Yes, I was thinking about those tree branches. It was annoying that they were there and I couldn't get my angle so that they wouldn't be in the picture. I'll try and remove them... but I'm not that great with PS.




    Taken this morning in Finland. It was foggy and I went for an early

    walk. Comments very welcome! Ratings too, but if you're gonna rate

    it low, please explain why, 'cause I get 2's and 3's on some of my

    pictures, for some stupid reason.

    "Number Two"


    A little scene I came across this morning while cycling. The sun was

    shining, but it was still early (7AM), so the light turned out nice.

    What do you think? Comments very much appreciated.


    Great image, lovely colors. Good DOF and good sharpness. The picture has a real tender look. Well done! The only thing that distracts me slightly is that green branch at the lower left corner, don't know why really. But all in all, a real good shot!

    Sweet Goodbye


    I know macro shots of flowers generally are not rated very high here

    on Photo.Net, likely because they're easy. But I'd like your thoughts

    on this one anyway. Ratings are very welcome too, although if you give

    me a low rating, please also explain why it's such a bad shot in your

    opinion. Thank you.


    The horizon is leveled. If you open the image in PS and put a guide line along the pier on the right, you will see it's completely leveled. As for the left pier, which is more off into the distance, it bended off into a curve, so that part is obviously not straight.



    Comments/critiques and ratings very welcome. I'd like to improve evenmore.


    Oh, and to all you 'low-raters' out there...

    If you're rating this image 3/3 or something ('cause I get that a lot.I don't know why, but it pisses me off sometimes), then please alsohave the guts to elaborate on your low rating instead of stayinganonymous! Thank you!


    Smoke out of the lighthouse,.... yeah, it does look a bit like that. But I think those are just the drifting clouds. I didn't notice any other smoke so I guess it's just your imagination :) But thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it! :)



    Taken today at the local pier. I was hoping for some waves crushing

    into the shore and this was a lucky shot. The only one with splashes...

    Minor PS work done such as saturation, sharpening and cropping.



    Just a pond, taken at the Tropical Garden. Comments and or ratings

    very welcome!


    PS: if you rate it 3 or 4, then please also tell me why you don't like

    it! I get a lot of bad ratings from anymous raters, which I think is


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