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Image Comments posted by tilly

    Look at me babies


    Giang oi!!! I like this one, you can say it's a clear photo, nice colour; by the way, the baby boy didn't want to look at you, he just wanted to pick flower!!Giang chup o? da^u va^.y?

    cheers, chi Jade.

  1. Hi Peter, good shot you have,I like it ,if the guy sit down I will like it more. thanks for visiting "my house".by the way I did adjust the brightness do you think it is OK?

    regard, Jade.

    Funky socks

    Hi Vishal ,it look good to me. she has nice feet to make clean picture ,if you go more to the right it even better. thanks for your advice ,I did change another photo,if you have time ,view it again and tell me if I need to do something else,cheers.

    Dance of a tulip

    "Have I told you, lately that I love...it".hi' hi'[Vietnammese giggle].look like a bow ,nice composition it just need more space on the top left. hey Tania ,load the pictures from VN, I want to see them.

    Frozen silent

    Hi Radu,thanks for visiting my "house",I never have any thing like this photograpp,it remind me in the past, I used to go up the mountain for skying, now I 'm afraid I have no chance to get even one picture. yours look like a post card.


    Wow! what a view.where you live must have blue sky ,white clouds every day. I could even breathe the fresh air when I look at this photograph.
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