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Posts posted by mark_dalrymple1

  1. Read anything and everything. After awhile the opinions and the facts filter out.


    I enjoyed magic lantern guide for the D200 (but it had some factual errors, like auto ISO,

    which made me think it was an editing of another camera's book). Thom's ebook is

    awesome too (a single CD disk can hold a *lot* of text. Plus it's nice having the electronic

    format for easy searching) You can take it to Kinko's or a big office store and have a

    bound version printed. There are also a number of D40 books on the shelves of Border's

    or Barnes and Noble. If there's one near you it'd be worth thumbing through them.

  2. Who's to say the Parent with the D3 at the soccer game hasn't devoted some time to learn

    how to use it properly? "oh, you're taking pictures of your cats with a D3 automatically

    makes you a poser with too much money and no sense" I'm sure if Ansel Adams was still

    with us, and had a D3, he could make some awesome kitty pictures and soccer mom



    And yes, I own a D3, and so far the cats and "amateur" things have been its main use so

    far (hey, I've got a day job). I've also studied with Howard Bond and can wield a 4x5 view

    camera. So I totally fail to see your point.

  3. If you do want purty flower pictures, your local florist (or flower pusher in large grocery

    stores) should have a plethora of colorful items for purchase. If it has to be shot outdoors,

    make a small hole in the permafrost and put in rose or something. If nothing else, the

    incongruity of the shot should be worth a smile or two :-)


    But I agree with Matt - there's a lot of beauty in the 'mundane' winter.<div>00O925-41248284.jpg.6a4329365033f4037bf9cc893ea15813.jpg</div>

  4. Same thing happened to me today. What caused it was using the ISO button by feel. I had

    accidentally gotten the Qual button instead. I should have thought about why my shot was

    exposed poorly. 10 shots later I relized I was on jpg normal and switched back.

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