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Image Comments posted by kdpowell

  1. There is so much to explore in this picture I really like it. The empty table in the foreground, the splash of color from the flag in an otherwise earth tone image, the people sitting and talking on the bench.


    I like the framing of the image. The right side with it's light is balanced on the left with darkness but with a single supporting column angling out of the photo.


    The atmosphere of the photo reminds me of the painting, "Nighthawks" by Edward Hopper.


    My question to you is, was it just luck that the people didn't move during the 4s exposure or did they know to sit still?


    Thank you for sharing this image here and on the WedNesDAy PiC thread.

    Dream of Sleep


    "To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
    for in the sleep of death what dreams may come.
    When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
    must give us pause."

    William Shakespeare (Hamlet)

    This is a striking picture, but I do not think of dreaming. I see death... suicide... thy fair Ophelia.

    However I do like the bubbles and the rippling of the water around the hair. It gives motion to the stillness.

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