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Posts posted by s_pence

  1. I apologize if this topic has been covered before. I searched the

    archives and did not come up with anything conclusive.

    I just came into a nice Autocord CDS III and am looking for a battery

    for the light meter. Is there anyone out there using this camera

    with the light meter? Is there even a battery made today that would


    Much obliged,


  2. OH!! How very interesting...Garry decided to show his face. Hey Garry, you could have emailed personally from the very beginning and taken care of this issue as a reponsbile business man who cares about "Customer Service" would have from the very start.

    ....."belligerent defamation" Please.

    The only thing that has gone on in this forum by me are verifiable facts. You know I took pictures of everything you did to my cameras, which are issues you still have yet to address. If I need to I will post the pictures here for everyone to see what you did! You know good and well that the SRT-202 you sent me is NOT the the same camera I sent you.

    Furthermore...none of the cameras were "severly" tampered with...Nor were they missing any parts.

    I have NEVER USED THREATS OR PROFANITIES WHEN DEALING WITH YOU. I HAVE ONLY STATED FACTS. Reporting you to paypal and the better business bureau was not a threat. I did both!


    ...."So in order to salvage at least one camera we swapped parts with one of two none working SRTs. This was all explained to Pence in the email, however nasty emails, threats, profanities, and personal remarks continue to this day. "......


    You didn't even send me an email until after I started posting here in this forum. What gives you the right to swap body parts on my cameras without asking my permission first. None of my cameras were missing body parts until you sent them back. And your explanatonn is bunk. You still have yet to answer why the so-called "fixed" camera still has the exact same problem I sent to you. You still have to explain why I have a completely different and much worse 202 body in my hand.


    I didn't come here to defame you. You seem to be doing a pretty good job of defaminig yourself with your terrible customer service.

    I came here to warn everyone of "my experience". I have a right to do that. And I don't want anyone else to go through what you have put me through!

  3. I feel violated and cheated. I have been the victim of an out-right theft. I have been lied to and insulted by the perpetrator. But I will go on with my life and learn from this experience. If I can save anyone else from this tradgedy then all is not lost.

    I am a firm believer in what comes around goes around. So it will be interesting to see what comes back Garrys way in the near future and I hope he thinks about all the cheating stealing and lying he has done every single night he goes to bed.

  4. Another update. Garry did reply finally..demanding an apology from me because I told him that what he did to me was criminal. He refuses to own up to swapping out my camera body, and he did not respond as to why he charged me for the camera that he didn't fix. This man is dishonest. He flat out cheated me. I think he thought he could get away with what he did to me probably expecting that I wouldn't notice. Well I did notice and I called him out on it. Instead of apologizing and making it right he has added insult to injury. Everyone...be warned.

    Kind Regards, Sherry

  5. I just want to save anyone the trouble I recently went through with

    my Minolta SRT's. Someone recommended Garry from www.garryscamera.com

    as a repair person on this forum. I sent him 3 cameras to repair.

    Not only was I charged for a repair he did not make but he also

    swapped out one of my cameras. He sent me back a gutted body. I

    just cannot believe it. Now he won't respond to my emails. So

    basically I just wanted to warn you folks who might be thinking about

    getting your cameras repaired.

    I reported him to the Better Business Bureau.

    Basically I lost money and cameras on this deal.

    Hope he doesn't do this to anyone else.

  6. I just developed film from 3 different Minolta Autocords and each

    roll of film only has 11 Frames of pictures...even though the cameras

    all start at 1 and go to 12. I know I took 12 pictures with each

    camera. Is it possible that the lab did something wrong in their

    developing? Has anyone encountered a similar problem. Am I loading

    the film incorrectly? This is puzzling me.

    Thank you,


  7. I don't know where to post this so I am posting this here because I

    am a Minolta freak and I hope to capture this with one of my SRT's.

    Also, if you didn't know about this I thought I would share it with

    you all.


    Any suggestions on how to best capture this event? Best lens? What

    film speed? Aperature? Shutter? Etc?




    Mars Spectacular


    The Red Planet is about to be spectacular! This month and next, Earth

    is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in the

    closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The

    next time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way

    Jupiter's gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers

    can only be certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the

    Last 5,000 years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it

    happens again.


    The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to within

    34,649589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the brightest

    object in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and will

    appear 25.11 arc seconds wide. At a modest 75-power magnification,

    Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars will

    be easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east

    at 10p.m. (EDT) and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.

    By the end of August when the two planets are closest, Mars will rise

    at nightfall and reach its highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m.

    That's pretty convenient to see something that no human being has

    seen in recorded history

    So, mark your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow

    progressively brighter and brighter throughout the month.

  8. You can check out www.cameraleather.com and refinish the whole thing. Maybe even in a new color. I just did that with my Minolta Autocord and it looks SWEET! I'll try to post a pic later.


    Or to answer your question. My camera repair book says to use contact glue.

  9. The credit for this goes to John. I thought it was a brilliant idea.

    If you are an SRT fan. Please post some pics from your SRT here.

    I'll start with this one. I think I mentioned before that I am a

    potter and I use my SRT to take professional slides of my works for

    publishing. Here is one of my pots taken with an SRT-303b. The

    picture has not been digitally altered or touched up or enhanced in

    any way. It's staight from my slide to my scanner to you.<div>00CJ3K-23710784.jpg.32de82e5b6e21fbeef58b6e07a17db33.jpg</div>

  10. Clinton, I do have a recharger. Quit assuming we are all idiots! I guarantee that I can do ANYTHING you can do digitally! What you don't seem to get is that some of us CHOOSE to use film, and that my friend is none of your business. You loose all credibilty when you resort to personal attacks (for example calling me a "Bad Shopper") You don't know me. I don't recall personally attacking you. Discussing ideas is one thing, attacking people is another.


    Douglas, I think your picture is awesome! Good on you!

  11. Hey Clinton,

    Isn't there a digital forum where you can go and preach???? If you hate film so much then go away! If you think you are going to convert people you are going about it in the wrong way. Insulting people for something they love only turns people completely off to your OPINION.

    People in this forum aren't afraid to go digital. I bet most of us have a digital but CHOOSE to hang on to and use our film cameras.

    BTW I did buy rechargeable batteries for my digital and they don't work anymore either. And if you know where I can get batteries for cheaper than Wal-Mart by all means let us know!

    There was nothing more annoying to me than when I was in Germany with only my digital on hand and the freakin batteries went dead. That was the point I turned back to my Minolta's.

    I am not a professional photographer, I don't pretend to be, nor do I ever want to be. I'll save that for all you talented folks. I just have a love and passion for it. Isn't that what matters?

    Talk to me when you can find a digital that will last for 30 years, then I'll listen to your incessent ranting.

    Also for those who assume that I am an old fogie and don't want to let go of the past. Think again. I am in my late 20's...oh and I am also a girl. BOOYAH!!!

  12. I currently have 10 Minolta SRT Bodies. Boy do I love these

    cameras!! Am I crazy? Especially with all the talk of film dying?

    How many is too many?

    I am starting to think that maybe I have a problem.

    I love these cameras for their durabilty...Heck they are 30+ years

    old now and still going...

    It makes me wonder how long a digital camera can last? I bought my

    Nikon Coolpix 3100 a year and a half ago and it is falling apart.

    There is $300 down the drain.

    Digital photography is expensive. The batteries for this thing are

    running $17 for a two-pack and they don't last very long. Printer

    ink and glossy paper are outrageous. I don't think people realize

    all the hidden costs or maybe they don't care. My digital camera has

    it's uses...it's great for point and shoot but it won't be replacing

    my manual cameras any time soon. Plus there is something magical

    about getting prints back.

    I may sell a couple of my SRT Bodies, or I may give a few away as

    gifts along with a manual camera book and let someone else discover

    the love.

    One last story...

    A few years ago I was in New Zealand shooting with my SRT-202...I was

    perched over a muddy ledge trying to get a shot of some sheep when I

    slipped all the way down the embankment. I was coated in mud, my

    camera was coated in mud...it was messy. The only thing that was

    hurt was my pride. I am still using that camera today. I wonder

    what would have happened if I were using my digital camera?

  13. I recently got into shooting Medium Format film and was confronted with exactly the same question. Should I process myself or send it out? Well I decided to process it myself. I purchased "Black & White Photography" by Henry Horenstein from Overstock.com and I bought about $100 worth of supplies from B&H.com. And to tell the truth I had success from the very first roll. It is rewarding and exciting to open the developing tank and see the photos you shot yesterday. Hope that helps
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