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Image Comments posted by wrfuerst


    ...composition of repeating rectangles and impressive fine (and somber) tones of colour. the human factor breaks it all up and shows (or invites to take) a look behind the scenes. top-image. best regards ... wolfgang...


    the image was part of a series of quite "normal" pics, kind of makro thingie ... but it didn't work out as well as planned, as i had not enough time doing the shots. so in fact i really began to play around to enhance my first idea and ... boomchickawahwah ... :-o))) wolfgang...
  1. a disturbing shot ... i immediately feel disgust about the guy with the shiny shoe ... and it reminds me on an old saying: dont step on a fallen enemy - to which i may contribute even another one: Dont mess around with the food... So, by giving me such an intense and deeply touching feeling, this is a truly superb photograph, congrats! wolfgang...
  2. it's just a little ornamental add-on on a wall inside the park. i did especially like the contrast between the soft forms and the surrounding dark spikes. the material is sandstone i guess and its very pleasantly to touch ... if you reach it :-)
  3. the combination of unsharp and sharp parts in fore- and background is what make this picture special for me. it leaves room for thoughts and there's a lot of things to explore. the muddy grey dominates the image but the fine and in the same time intense colours contribute highlights of imagination. Get it printed in large and put it on some wall! :-) regards, wolfgang...
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