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Posts posted by jet_tilton

  1. <p>I have the 50mm 1.8, a Lensbaby 3G, the 18-55 IS kit lens, and am just trying to slowly add more lenses, for different purposes. They are being used on an XSi until I have enough funds for a used 5D. I know of several portrait photographers who use the Tamron 28-75 in their portrait sessions, that's why I was also considering the Sigma 24-70/28 for portraits.<br>

    Thanks so far for the advice,<br>



  2. <p>Everyone,<br>

    Thanks for your opinions! Bruce, I have to sell one or the other, having bodies and lenses for 2 different dslr systems is a waste. I've tried to sell the D70S for the past 6 weeks, and no one wants it! <br>

    I need a portrait lens soon, and I don't have an extra $500 sitting around to spend, and I was hoping to sell the D70S for this reason. <br>

    Why should I not sell the XSi?<br>



    <p> </p>

  3. <p>Hello. I purchased a reconditioned D70s several months back from Adorama, and discovered that it would not meter with my lensbaby lens. I then purchased a new Canon XSi with battery grip (since they almost too small to hold without one), flash, etc. I attempted to sell the D70S on C***list, and E*bay, but it seems that everybody wants something for nothing, especially if you are trying to sell it! <br>

    Dollars to dollars, the D70S and the rebel XSi are similar, and I'm tired of trying to "give it away," just so I can buy another lens for the XSi. <br>

    Anybody recommend selling the XSi and keeping the D70S? My only gripes with the D70S are the small LCD screen, and it being only 6MP, compared to the rebel, which is 12MP. The rebel is newer technology, but it is not holdable without the battery grip. Or would I be crazy to sell the XSi and keep the D70S? Does anyone know how the D70S performs at higher ISO's?<br>

    Money is tight now, so I was wanting to sell either one and acquire new lenses for either system. <br>

    Any thoughts would be appreciated!</p>

    <p>Jet in McKinney</p>

    <p> </p>

  4. <p>I'm trying to get back into film, and I'm looking to trade my Nikon D70s for a Mamiya 645 1000s with either a 80mm, 110mm or 150mm lens and it also includes a backup body. I also have the chance to purchase a Yashica 635 TLR for $90. <br>

    Otherwise I have many Canon and Nikon owners of older 35mm bodies who would like to trade. <br>

    Is it worth it to trade for the Mamiya 1000s, or would it better to buy the TLR? There is a small shop here in McKinney that develops MF and B/W 35mm and MF film, so processing would be local.</p>

    <p>All thoughts are welcome!<br>



    <p> </p>

  5. I need some advice. I had to sell all of my equipment for financial reasons, and am looking for a low-priced, budget Nikon dslr until

    business picks up and I can acquire a used D200 or a D300. Cannot afford a used D80 at the moment, and I have the chance to buy for

    $300 for either:


    1. Fuji S2 Pro, with low actuations and a firewire port that doesn't work

    2. A Nikon D50 with low actuations (5700 actuations)

    3. A nikon D70s with around 35,000 actuations for $400??


    If I decide to go the Canon route:


    1. Canon rebel Xti with 7000 actuations for around $400-500??


    Any advice would be appreciated, I'm really tired of not having a dslr!!!




  6. I had the same experience a couple of weeks ago, the saleslady there told me that 95% of their customers bought Nikon

    and the rest bought canon, which surprised me, as she was basically putting Canon down. When I inquired about Pentax

    and Olympus, she looked at me like I was crazy!!!

  7. Hello,


    Have a chance to buy the E-510 with the 2 lens kit for around $400, supposedly in excellent condition, not used much. Would this be a

    good start into the Olympus system? I'm used to Canon and Nikon, so I don't know if the viewfinder issues are going to be a hindrance or

    not. I see great reviews on the 510, but in reality how many people are actually using Olympus and getting great results from these dslrs?

    I like the ideas of portability and cameras that can be carried everywhere. Also, are there any other pros out there besides John Isaac who

    are using Oly?


    All opinions are appreciated!



  8. Need some advice!! Due to financial reasons I had to sell my Nikon gear, and now all I have to my name is a N90S film body and a Canon

    G9! I need a dslr quick, and I'm on a strict budget of around $600-700.00. I will be able to get a D300 probably in September. Should I get a

    used D100 (going for around $400), or even a used D200 for around $750? I would want to buy some primes to start with, and

    then add better zooms later. The D200 price might be a stretch. Just dont know if I want to go with the small consumer dslrs such as the

    D40/40X/50/60 etc.


    Any advice is welcome, I feel naked without my trusty dslr at my side!!



  9. I'm currently between systems, due to financial situations, and trying to decide on the best dslr for my needs. Sick of

    the obsolescence with digital cams, when the Nikon D200 came out it was highly rated, but after a year and a half, it is

    now considered "old school," because of the Nikon D3 and D300, D700.....Also considering adding more film equipment

    because of the dependence on electrical systems in today's modern cameras, my Canon G9 froze up several days ago,

    and will not respond to anything, when i needed a digital camera, it was dead in the water, and my $500 digital p/s was

    worthless when I needed it the most! Thank goodness that I had my Olympus Stylus Epic! So I am looking for a

    mostly mechanical camera now, so I won't be crippled if the electrical system goes out!


    I'm starting to wonder just how much camera we really need to make quality photos.....

  10. Doug,


    What Pentax dslr did you get for your great photos? I too am at a crossroads, and I am thinking about going the Pentax way, instead of

    going back to either Canon or Nikon.



  11. I too have this problem! Was out shooting today, D80 set on manual mode, matrix metering,

    and even if photo included just a small portion of the blue sky (around 8:00 this morning),

    sky would be overexposed, resulting in sky that looked overcast! Took a shot looking

    towards SW, and sky was blue at a shutter speed of 1000! Don't understand why the D80

    seems to have a problem with blue skies!

  12. I recently bought a 20D several weeks ago, and also bought a Sigma 10 - 20 mm F4.0 -

    F5.6 EX DC HSM lens, and a Tamron 28-75/2.8 lens. The Tamron 28-75 works good, but

    testing of the Sigma 10-20 lens revealed that even on a tripod, sharpness was not

    attainable. I shot in program mode, shutter and aperture priority modes, even in Manual

    mode, and when these photos were brought up in Elements, many areas of the photo were

    not sharp. I tested the lens back home, shot the houses across the street, and seemed

    better, but i wanted the lens for landscape shots, not neighborhood homes!


    Should I return the lens for a Canon 10-22 or a 17-40/4.0 ? Or even the Tokina 12-24?

    Also, sensor is dirty after only 2 weeks, is this normal?


    Thanks, Jet

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