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Image Comments posted by clayton_berg


    I like this cow portrait. Perfect saturation. I love how you shot this through the grass, it really makes me feel like I'm in the cow's element.


    Pretty sky and great details in the forground. The composition leads the eye nicely from the bottom right out to the sea. Terrific shot.

    Spanish Sunset

    Great work. I love the leading lines in the forground, your choice of exposure length is perfect and the exposure balance between sky and ground is ideal. Great stuff.
  1. I like this composition well enough. The contrail may not lead the viewer directly to the moon but it's close enough so the viewer is still brought to the correct place.


    If you are starting out new may I suggest a tripod? I know that it's been said a hundred times but a really good tripod will improve your shots far more than new lenses or bodies will. A tripod would have allowed you to shoot this at a much lower ISO and would have eliminated the noise. Unless of course the noise is intentional.

    Lake Minnewanka


    Sorry Vasile, to go back and re-post process this shot would take time that I just don't have. I work ten hours a day, hike and shoot for probably 4 or so and as such I have a very limited amount of computer time. I appreciate you viewing and respect your opinions but this is how I see the scene. Thanks for viewing.


    edit: Oh and thanks to everyone else who has viewed this shot.

    Lake Minnewanka

    Yes, as I shoot RAW a colour version is possible. That being said I went with B/W because I want the viewer to concentrate on the tonality in the sky, something which I thought was by far the strongest part of this scene.


    Great shot, the wings on this one are nearly completely frozen so there must have been some great light out there that day. Technically wonderful shot, very sharp, wonderful composition too.


    you take stunning candid child portraits. Or if these are staged then they are natural and relaxed to the extreme. Either way, great work.
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