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dfa photo

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Image Comments posted by dfa photo



    a very touching and beautiful duo shot (or should I say trio); nice settting with beach and rocks in the backdrop; to make the photo more dramatic I would recommend having one of the figures look up (either at the other or at the viewer); I also recommend having the man place both hands on the woman's hands or womb to complement her two hands)




    a beautiful b&w head shot with a dramatic hand gesture to add life and action; recommend raising the head slightly to give more focus and some light to the eyes




    (by the way I love Fuji Fine Pix cameras); this is a very nice head shot set in dramatic lighting; for future head shots like this, I would recommend turning the face slightly towards the light source (lamp in this photo) to get more direct light onto the face; placing the figure closer to the lamp would also make it more dramatic and fill the empty gap between lamp and face


    Piano Girl


    a very graceful and beautiful head shot; very nice pose, especially with the prominence of the hands in a very graceful gesture; top portion of the photo is distracting and mainly empty space; the photo would work better as a tightly cropped head shot including the elbows and a slight portion of the piano; for future head shots, recommend raising the eyes slightly to allow for more light to highlight the eyes



    very beautiful shot, well-cropped, excellent angle on the shoe; blurring of shoe in the foreground looks distorted; recommend some blurring of pine cone ornament to draw more attention to the shoe in the foreground


    good subject matter; but tighter cropping of left side would give more emphasis to the sea and shore; a different angle, such as looking over the fence more would make the image more dramatic as well

    beachcouture 4

    very nice subject matter, especially with close-up of figure in foreground drawing attention to the approaching sunrise in the center; recommend lightening the figure a little


    nice view of river and falls but the tree trunk dominates the image too much; recommend tighter cropping of tree (or blurring of tree) to give more prominence to falls
  1. nice creative use of shadow; recommend just focusing the shadow image on one background object (plain off-white wall) rather than two competing wall surfaces to make the contrast more dramatic

    Before it ends

    stunning image with great lighting and tonal quality and contrast; focus on foreground rocks helps move viewer's eye from center to right and back to center again
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