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Image Comments posted by delen



    I love the repetition of shapes and the color contrast.

    My only preference is I wish the handle of the cup was more in focus.



    This image tickled me with its subtle obscenity. Or maybe I have a dirty mind. :D

    In any case, good job of taking a couple of mundane objects and creating an image that has food for thought.


    Wonderful composition - I love the way the people are dwarfed by the huge trees which look like they will swallow or crush them, giving the image a somewhat sinister air.

    South Tacoma


    Thank you for your input.

    I really don't find that sign distracting, as in my opinion it is ballanced by the similar side on th eopposite side.

    Snack Time


    Thank you for the comment and critique.


    As for "stunnng images"... few are the things nowadays that can be qualified as that. There is nothing overly original anymore and everything is overdone and overhyped.

    Royal Glare


    Critique and ratings encouraged. Also, I would really appreciate it if

    those who rate this image 3 and below write a quick comment as to why

    they consider the piece mediocre or downright poor. I would like to

    hear something instructive besides an anonymous rating. Thank you.

    Snack Time


    Critique and ratings encouraged. Also, I would really appreciate it if

    those who rate this image 3 and below write a quick comment as to why

    they consider the piece mediocre or downright poor. I would like to

    hear something instructive besides an anonymous rating. Thank you.



    Critique and ratings encouraged. Also, I would really appreciate it if

    those who rate this image 3 and below write a quick comment as to why

    they consider the piece mediocre or downright poor. I would like to

    hear something instructive besides an anonymous rating. Thank you.


    I don't remember 100% all the things I did with this photo but basically I extracted the red channel and worked with that. Used layers at different blending modes and very low opacity for the tinting and adjustment levels layer I think. On top of everything I put a bluish photo filter at parhaps opacity 10%. Oh also, I did some burning for the shadows and dodging for the highlights. And of course, erased the circles under the eyes wiht a layer which was painted on at a "lighten" blending mode.



    Critique and ratings encouraged. Also, I would really appreciate it

    if those who rate this image 3 and below write a quick comment as to

    why they consider the piece mediocre or downright poor. I would

    like to hear something instructive besides an anonymous rating. Thank you.

    Blue Moon


    Critique and ratings encouraged. Also, I would really appreciate it

    if those who rate this image 3 and below write a quick comment as to

    why they consider the piece mediocre or downright poor. I would

    like to hear something instructive besides an anonymous rating. Thank you.

  1. Critique and ratings encouraged. Also, I would really appreciate it

    if those who rate this image 3 and below write a quick comment as to

    why they consider the piece mediocre or downright poor. I would

    like to hear something instructive besides an anonymous rating. Thank you.

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