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andre j.

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Posts posted by andre j.

  1. Thank you so much everybody! I found myself wishing you'd all submit a photo of

    yourselves in your battle regalia... T'would be an interesting assignment, n'est-ce pas?

    Seriously, I'd love to see those images! On another note, what do you do with your home

    base camera bag while you're working? Leave it under a table, back in the car, behind the

    bar?!?!? Any issues with theft over the years?<div>00Bfjb-22591484.thumb.jpg.21de3743da0a5034465730e46ae6b058.jpg</div>

  2. Simon, I am in the exact same position you are, and I did excatly what you're considering. I

    added a second DReb (black this time and only US$620)... Until the innovation abates

    somewhat and the prices come back down to earth (US$8000 for a camera body?!?!?!?) I

    decided to invest in glass. I bought the ef-s 10-22 and I am very happy with it... at 22 on

    a 1.6X DReb it is like shooting with a 35, admittedly not a low-light lens, but still very nice

    for groups and overviews... I also got the 24-70 f2.8 and the 70-200 f2.8 IS... Got it

    covered! I tried the hack and found it to be a mixed blessing (quite a bit of the custom

    functions do not work) as one night the camera woud not recognize that it had a lens

    attached - 00 message... I uninstalled the hack and it works normally again, thank God!

    The only downside is that the DReb 300D does not do ETTL-2. The 350XT does and so

    dos the 20D.... I heartily recommend good glass over paying top dollar for a body that will

    be obsolete in less than 2 years...

  3. Hello, this is my first question to the sea of photographers who frequent this board, and I

    am a newbie to wedding photography, having done one for a friend and also having

    videotaped one for another. I am wondering about the logistics of using two cameras, and

    how thoase who shoot that way manage it. Do you simply sling them both around your

    neck? Could get crazy with a bracket and flash!? Do you have them both in a bag you work

    out of and just schlep the kit around with you? I won't have the luxury of an assistant, so

    any and all suggestions are welcome. By the way, I'll be shooting with Rebels and 2.8 L

    zooms, 24-70 and 70-200 IS, plus an EF-s 10-22. I have a Custom Brackets QRS-35-H

    with a 580EX.<div>00Bf9W-22579084.jpg.a403d9a952c4a5274fe4660612d85886.jpg</div>

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