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Image Comments posted by doug_cooper



    Thank you for the comments!


    I'm glad the droplet is appreciated, It's (mostly) in camera, and took a great deal of patience with an eye-dropper to get it to stick in just the right spot.


    (I say mostly because I took several shots of this setup, and ended up using this image for the composition, but took a better droplet from of one of the other shots to complete the effect).

    Stormy Affair


    Aesthetically, this is a nice image, the composition leads me back to the figures, and the subdued tones help to accentuate the feeling you express in your description.


    But I find the figures too neutral in pose - their body language doesn't tell me they're having a disagreement, other than the fact that they're spaced far apart. Perhaps if the woman was looking down and slightly away from the man, and the man was looking at her. His hand pointed towards her seems to infer that he's reaching out to her, but she is neither rejecting nor reciprocating his gesture.



    Calla lilies are one of my favorite subjects for macro work, this one

    captured just after a morning shower. This is also my first attempt

    at framing an image for presentation - comments and suggestions on the

    photograph, or the presentation are appreciated.



    I really like this alot - it feels like the clouds are some-how supporting the tower and lifting it up from behind. I find it an interesting juxtaposition of industry and nature, yet reminding us that all power comes from nature in some form or another. (sorry if that seems cheesy). Colors and tones are great.


    If I had one critique, it would be that I think a wider, or taller format could accentuate the composition better. The nearly square format feels too neutral to me, but that may be a matter of taste. Nice work.

  1. Beautiful rapids, but I think the color potential of the shot does get lost in the blue cast.


    Also, I think the composition might be stronger if you cropped off the sky at the top, and went for a wider shape. As it is, my eye tends to drift back to the sky, which isn't the interesting part of the photo (the waterfall is/should be).


    Some gentle sharpening might help to bring out the texture of the rocks better.

    Single White Tulip


    I like the subject, and the repeating patterns of the surrounding flora.


    I would like it more if there was a bit more contrast in the tulip, with perhaps a bit more light wraping around the form.


    Also, the focus seems a bit short, it appears to be sharpest on the little flower upper right and just in front of the tulip, but not on the tulip itself.

    Shop girl


    I love the rim light on the left side of her face, and the soft bounce light, presumably from her desk makes for an intriguing lighting situation.


    I do find that the bright lamp and type-writer in the foreground is a bit too dominate, might have be nicer if the lamp had been off. or if the foreground framing elements were darker.


    Is she in a shop, or in a school?

  2. Beautiful colors, and a every enjoyable shot, thank you. I think your choice of exposure was excellent.


    I also agree with the position of the horizon, it feels to close to bisecting the frame. Framing just a little higher would do it for me. I don't find the jutting land on the right too distracting, but it might be nice if the camera was moved a little to allow the land to cross over to the left of the lighthouse instead of ending in the same vertical line as it does -- but you probably made the best of what was available from that vantage point. Nicely done.


    Great use of color, but I feel the lighting is too flat, and doesn't flatter the form of the subject as well as it could.
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