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Posts posted by igor_leonidovich_mestman

  1. Tom, I deleted the detailed info I had on pro and super Horseman image circle and other specs, now can not readily find it on line. Do you still have that info? (I have the 65 Super and 105 Pro Horseman lenses... )


    Oops. never mind. just found it in the horseman vh-r manual. Turns out all the 3 LF forums' info is incomplete. at f22 w/o movements one can shoot 4x5 with a 6x12 back even with a mere Pro series 105 mm lense (image circle at f22 is 125mm). Smile.

  2. Horseman lenses come with either the "Professional" or "Super" name. The Professional series covers 6x9, but will not allow for much in the way of swings and shifts. The Super lenses offer much larger image circles and most will just cover 4x5. I have exact figures if you really need them.

    Hope this helps.




    Tom, I deleted the detailed info I had on pro and super Horseman image circle and other specs, now can not readily find it on line. Do you still have that info? (I have the 65 Super and 105 Pro Horseman lenses... )



    p>I needed to change literally two wo

    rds in my critique or rather praise of a photograph, which has not been followed yet. That would not resul

    t in any confusion in the discussion thread vis-a-vis nonexistent subsequent posts. How is that to be done, o

    ther than by posting an Almost the same text twice?</p>




  4. <p>I notice this thread is a bit dated, nevertheless the subject matter is interesting. Scanning medium format may be (as was pointed out) tedious, but, with a can of air-blow it can be fun. The interesting thing is the comment about the old F2 100mm Zeiss lense being way above anything in 35mm. Having recently seen a few stunning 30plus inch 35mm APO glass enlargements I wonder if adopting old Hussy glass to 35mm is really more of a prestige nostalgia, than real performance. Would any Canon with any lense ever match Mamiya 645 fast APO capture scans at say 1 meter (40")?? I would love to see any samples or comparisons. Most of my APO glass is 8x10, so am most intrigued with Mamiya 645 potential.<br>


  5. <p>Ok. Went shopping for the olympic sonnar this week; but they seem to have literally doubled in price in a little over a year. The bokeh of the lense is great, but in absolute terms it does not seem to be all THAT sharp. Hype aside, can anyone point to a 6x6 180/2.8 CZJ scan that is at equivalent magnification at least as sharp as this 35mm Nikon D90 portrait <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/9757272&size=lg">http://www.photo.net/photo/9757272&size=lg</a> ?!</p>
  6. <p>Specs and at least one quite sharp test shot of a lovely horse and a girl (see <a href="http://www.photo.net/img/pics/alp_T_horse1.jpg" target="_blank">Jeanette with a horse</a>) <a href="http://www.praktica-users.com/lens/p6lenses/czjson2.8_180.html">http://www.praktica-users.com/lens/p6lenses/czjson2.8_180.html</a><br>

    Few Japanese samples (scroll all the way down and try 'the roofs' at 200% magnification - would likely print a-ok at 30") <a href="http://www6.atpages.jp/~ksmtcom/panorama/061210minka/061210minka.htm#sonnar">http://www6.atpages.jp/~ksmtcom/panorama/061210minka/061210minka.htm#sonnar</a><br>

    1D Mark III + Carl Zeiss Sonnar 2.8/180 <strong>T*</strong> (the 35mm 'speed giant' cousin) samples - cut and paste the https; sample at up to 30" (nice!) <a href="http://news.dchome.net/archiver/?tid-620289.html">http://news.dchome.net/archiver/?tid-620289.html</a><br>

    See the 'sleeping beauty' sample magnified up to 20-25" <a href="http://www.mflenses.com/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=1489">http://www.mflenses.com/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=1489</a><br>

    Likely a very good soft tones portrait lense?</p>


  7. <p>Two issues really: 1. Are mamiya 645 lenses in principle sharp enough for excellent 30" digital scans and prints (and it would be nice to actually see a few prints, such as for instance this photo from the analogous to Photonet Russian website: <a href="http://www.photoforum.ru/photo/500542/index.en.html">http://www.photoforum.ru/photo/500542/index.en.html</a>); and 2. With Kodak, Aptus 54S... etc., out of production, are there any produced/supported digital backs for the AFD's (not the ii-s)? Mamiya has none, and Samy's here in LA has to special order used Phase 1 54S rental units at 350-500/day... If not, then, assuming the lenses are not soft, it is a choice between a 7k AFDii and something like the 2k 22Mp Mark ii. Digital enlargements such as this one <a href="http://www.photoforum.ru/photo/507760/index.en.html">http://www.photoforum.ru/photo/507760/index.en.html</a> from a $550 12 Mp 35mm camera, although not quite as sharp at 25", are interesting to consider. What is needed is something delivering AT LEAST along the lines of this portrait <a href="http://www.photoforum.ru/photo/479943/index.en.html">http://www.photoforum.ru/photo/479943/index.en.html</a><a href="http://www.photoforum.ru/photo/507760/index.en.html"></a>, albeit at a larger print.</p>
  8. <p>Greetings R.B. Thank you for your input. Since I set up my first darkroom in mid 70s, I've had absolutely no experience with 645 as a format. Having collected too much gear, was looking for an optimally convenient medium format camera for hand-held and pod work for at least up to 30" enlargements, and the AFD mamiyas seemed right. Possibly fell victim to gigabytes of ingested authoritative hype on how sharp the new 645 lenses supposedly are, and how 645 theoretical pixels and digits are supposedly translatable to very sharp larger enlargements, etc. Being a photo-junky, even before buying a body, went ahead and bought the highly praised 55, 80 and 150 mm 645 lenses... then, as a reality check (a fool that I am), actually went looking for actual prints, hoping to SEE and not read about 28x34 razor sharp images. After posting this query, actually heard back from Mamiya rep that even they are not aware of any place on the web where razor sharp 645 images of larger enlargements may be seen; although they did mention the recent photoarticle favorably comparing 3 645 Mamiya lenses to Zeisses ("a lens test done by Popular Photography available here: <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.mamiya.com/645afd-iii-lenses-lens-test-comparison-report.html" target="_blank">http://www.mamiya.com/645afd-iii-lenses-lens-test-comparison-report.html</a>.") Now, I am not too concerned because having looked at apo lenses generated Leica S2 70 MB shots (<a href="http://www.dpreview.com/gallery/leicas2_samples/">http://www.dpreview.com/gallery/leicas2_samples/</a>) from a sensor no larger than 645 film (37.5-megapixel, 30 x 45 mm sensor; see: <a href="http://www.dpreview.com/news/0907/09073001leicassystemprice.asp?from=rss">http://www.dpreview.com/news/0907/09073001leicassystemprice.asp?from=rss</a>), I know that given enough money and/or adopters, APO equipped 645 Mamiya will do what I need... and considerably more!, but I was hoping the non-APO Mamiya lenses, and pentacon Zeisses I have with an adopter could deliver 'excellence' at up to 30". According to my conversations (not actual images seen) with professional scanner people, they, albeit theoretically, should :-). Having seen very sharp 12MP digital toys' enlargements which are quite sharp even at 400% on my 32" high res monitor -- that's over 50" prints, I am amazed that even most pros limit 645 Mamiya optics to soft 24 inch or so max. I had that problem with a Bronica back 30 years ago, but assumed that lenses improved considerably. <br>

    Frankly, any camera sold as Pro gear that does not deliver sharp results up to 25" is IMnot so humbleO (I keep laughing at how every photographer these days is so IMHOtep humble: spending 7k on a 645 AFDii, as surprisingly there are not 645 AFD digital backs, save used 6k Phase One, to very modestly better a good 35mm dslr at least to me seems odd) a 'why'. So now, unexpectedly prevented from grabbing a 645 AFD, needing to enlarge to at least 30 and skeptical of pricy 7k digital AFDii, I am still not clear as to what I can do with my Epson perfection and 645 non-apo lenses.</p>


  9. <p>There is much discussion on internet forums, including this one, of the form: I have such and such equipment, with so many years of professional experience, having compared these and those... <em>and think</em> Mamiya lenses (or 645 lenses) are excellent, as good, or better than Zeiss, etc. Caveat: Please do not respond with anything subjective (or numerical comparison graphs). If anyone may kindly point to scans of actual enlargements of at least 16" by 24", or so, where razor-sharp quality of Mamiya 645 (autofocus or manual) lenses (or, if not available, any others that may be fitted to these cameras) demonstrated 'objectively', PLEASE RESPOND.<br>

    I do not care if it is a digital back generated image or a drum scan, an autofocus lense or, Mamiya lenses failing, a custom mounted Fujinon with a tripod. I need to see SHARP at 16x24 or larger with a Mamiya 645 AFD line camera. </p>

  10. A while back (lacking 3k for a Pentax 6x7II with basic lenses) I bought a

    beautiful new MLU TTL Kiev 6x6 and a few Zeiss lenses, at a fraction of

    the cost. However, a 6x6 with a 300mm is a heavy beast for non-tripod

    operations, so I started looking for a Right Hand grip for the camera.


    Amazingly, no one (not even a distributer of Kiev 6x6) knows of ANY



    Now, there must be a solution! I do not care about cosmetics of non-

    matching grip manufacturer, metal or plastic... Any Right Hand grip

    (preferably supporting a cable release) will do. Any ideas?

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