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Posts posted by nemeng

  1. FWIW, here's the v.detailed topic I have on this in the Leica FAQ I maintain:<p>


    <a href="http://www.nemeng.com/leica/002f.shtml">



    Amazingly, this link is in the top five if you search google ;?)<p>


    <a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=leica+r+lens+on+canon">



    IMO the "miscalibrated focus" issue is real. I've seen it myself with a 10D and it practically

    made the camera useless at apertures wider than f8 when focusing closer than 3m.

  2. <i><<a href="http://4020.net/">4020.net</a>></i><p>


    FWIW I get my 120 colour negatives developed at a standard Kodak 1-hour place. $AUD 5

    a roll, so it's hardly expensive! The only trick is to shop around until you find a place

    which doesn't mistreat your film.<p>


    Like many others then I do all my scans using an Epson 4870. At 2400 dpi you get 5000 x

    5000 pixels, which is more than enough for 25-inch square prints (at 200dpi!).<p>


    Most of the time the images live on my computer or website(s), but the occassional "hero

    shot" can easily be printed at a bureau.<p>


    All this is IMO, FWIW etc. :?)

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