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Posts posted by peter_mueller

  1. thank you very much, I really needed that reassurance!!! Reading on the internet has got me in the right direction, but I really wanted to have that user advice to convince me, so I'd say mission acomplished!

    I love the pics on the pacific frog...

  2. I was wondering if you guys could clear up my mind with some advice.

    Looking for dslr to shoot some sailing / wakeboarding pics as well as

    a good cam to enter a new hobby. After studying various tests and

    internet sites, I was tending to a 20D canon. Then again I thought a

    350D, that came out would do the job just as well if I invested the

    saved money into the lens. (75-300IS or so). Then I wondered if the

    minolta (even though probably technically the weakest of all) would be

    interesting with its anti shake.

    Now my question. Is it a problem shooting from a boat (daylite) and

    getting sharp shots? Do I really need a stabalizer or does high ISO /

    high shutter compensate for the wobbly grounds?

    very keen to read a discussion...

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