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Image Comments posted by vbbeck

    Spring Time

    Lovely image that captures the rhythm of the land, like big gentle waves at sea. Great light, composition. Even though the subject is very plain--just dirt, grass, and two small trees--there's almost too much to see. Wonderful work.


    Beautiful shot. Aside from composition and balance of texture/tones, best thing is that there's nothing cute or rabbity about these rabbits and thus nothing cute or sentimental about the image. They might as well be furry sacks of jelly; wonderful forms stretched and blobbed along the wall.
  1. What a great shot. The composition is just perfect--the long straight lines of bench and wall, the open arm and relaxed pose of younger man, and his focus on the closed, curled body in wheelchair. It is rare to see youth so easy in the presence of age; wonderful job of capturing these two with sympathy and grace.
  2. Unusual portrait in that hands and feet are more interesting than faces. The little girl's stance in those clunky boots, and the man's white socks, with big hands guiding small--really nice. I'd crop the right side in even closer to leave just the back front stool leg showing. That would increase focus on what I see as heart of shot; would also cut the cable and cell phone/radio from man's pocket and simplify subject. (That curving cable line also draws the eye away from those great hands and feet.)

    walk with me...

    Perfectly beautiful and simple. Amazing how such an empty landscape can look so inviting and full of promise. Great composition and color, all in lovely balance. Super shot.

    irish cat

    What an amazing shot--beautifully composed, with lovely color. The warm curled cat is so small and insignificant (especially against background of tiny sheep). At the same time, a portrait of home itself. Much more here than meets the eye.


    This portrait is very expressive, and the pose and harness say a lot about what a great dog this is. The face, though, is overexposed, which flattens the facial expression and makes it almost look unreal. (Tricky--in most normal exposures, the eyes would probably disappear into dark face.) Maybe try this one again in softer light (morning/evening) or from a more profiled angle? A very engaging shot, nonetheless.


    Wacky shot! Obviously, highly manipulated but still very natural in composition and content. Your tennis player is very expressive--maybe that's what makes this a good portrait as well as a good montage.

    Alley Door

    This is a super example of an urban nonscape--the picture itself makes that door and window seem important and mysterious. Composition and color (especially those flat greys) nicely balanced; I especially like that orange leading in from the door.
  3. I had the same reaction: I love the composition, what would it be like if you changed..... In my case I thought of cropping foreground to put walking man closer up. But I also like the striated asphalt of the road. It leads us into shot. You convey a sense of great space and even with that light sky an oppressive weight. Even though you can hardly see that guy, this feels very much like a portrait. Very nice.

    Jabba the bishop

    What an amazing shot of a very expressive little guy. I think you've got him right on the money. My only wish is that I had taken this one. (At first glance I thought colors had been massively altered in post-processing, but now I see leaves are blurred due to depth of field and possible breeze. Is that correct? And could that be a mesquite tree he's sitting in??)
  4. Sticks and wire, you really capture viewer's attention and curiousity. Gourds would be better in sharper focus, as they are center of interest (more depth of field). I find the buzzard (?) distracting--you have enough texture and tone and interesting stuff going on already.
  5. This is a great face. The details are beautiful--the marks and wrinkles of the skin, eyebrow hairs, the way mouth is drawn into a subtle smile, and especially the bifocal lens of glasses. The blown-out highlights at upper left are distracting but still an evocative shot.


    You've captured a nice soft watercolor effect, and I like the way the central bud is focus of composition while water drop is just a highlight. But impossible to ignore that shot is totally overexposed.
  6. Like the concept (thinking inside the box....grater). To my eye, that top bar of light is harsh, and its positioning (to pleft) seems to throw composition off balance. Also draws eye away from those nice shadows to left of frame.
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