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radu bucur

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Image Comments posted by radu bucur

  1. Love this image aestheticaly. I don't see how the hat and suit fit with the tile though. I see how the factory goes together with the sky but the characther clothing doesn't fit in as good in my opinion. Just a thought.


    Your portofolio contains some briliant ideas. I wonder why there aren't as many comments noticig that... Love some of your wors. This is one of them.


    What a lovely pinkish skin tone and what great eyes the model has. Lovely portrait even though the pose could be considered a very common one. Love her loose hairs and her subtle yet beatiful makeup.


    Many of your photos are intriguing... Unexpected details give a natural feeling and also a very interesting erotic touch. I'm not very confortable with the crop on the right hand though... I think I would have cropped it out.


    Very interesting approach and therefore a very interesting photo. Great DOF choice helps alot with the artistic impresion in this picture as well. Congratulations. I think it's a very good image.

    Brotherly Love

    It reminds me of the days I used to "love" my brother like that in the sunny summer days when we were little and home alone. Great feeling about this photos. Thank you.


    Intriguing composition... I feel the picture is a little noisy...or blurry... If that's intentional I don't feel it as a good choice... If not I may understand the camera settings were not the most appropriate... The overexposed background is a god choice in these photos in my opinion.
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