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Image Comments posted by j1000


    I probably should get in the game :) But for now I rely too much on the twisty LCD, and I'm trying to keep the equipment level low for my wife's sanity! Haha. I'm also trying to figure out which platform can give me the best DOF :/ A tougher question to answer than you might think.



    Hello Ben. Clarity comes from, as you would guess, the ability to keep the shot steady using a high shutter speed (with flash if necessary) or perhaps a tripod (I don't use these) or maybe just a bit of luck. I find that with macro shots direct sunlight is often the best answer because it allows higher shutter speeds. Still, with a diffused flash (I sometimes attach a piece of a milk jug or an index card to the front of the lens; this photo is an example of that) you can often create a nice substitute for sunlight. The high magnification in this particular shot comes from a powerful telephoto setting combined with a +10 diopter closeup lens. DSLRs have their own variety of solutions, such as a reversed lens direct to the camera body, or a specialized lens such as the Canon MP-E. Hope this answer isn't too long! I'm still learning, myself.


    Here's a very informative thread for DSLR users:



    For now, I'm stuck in the non-DSLR world :)


    Allow me to critique myself here. I agree Ben, the angle and the light, in this case, do not create much drama. Aside from that, I enjoy the colors.
  1. This one is a challenge to rate but I really like it. It's moody and communicates its simple message well thanks to the good composition. Much more interesting than a posed shot could ever be!
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