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Posts posted by hxt

  1. Well, I guess it's time to change the title of this thread or something, as it is obvious that you

    are not at all interested in getting your hands on any negs at all.... by now you could have

    bought a Leica, become famous, and retired......... yaaaaaawwwwwwwnnnn. Have fun

    everybody, and may your favourite cameras, lenses, bird photographers etcetera etcetera

    finally once and for all be declared the absolute, hands down, no room for argument BEST

    EVER IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD by god himself.... I'm off to do some night shooting with an

    m3 and a (say it ain't so)!!!!!!! CANON lens! MUahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa!!! I

    promise to leave the birds alone though guys. Have a great weekend everyone, and good luck


  2. Of course Bruce, all of the above should be taken with a grain of salt! (here we go with the

    'brick walls' again)! Sigh.... in real-world conditions, I can't see the sense of hauling a tripod

    around with one's leica.... one is not going to notice those extra lines per mm shooting

    handheld IMHO! ..... as has been said before ad infinitum, there are different formats

    available that are a more sensible and affordable means of attaining maximim sharpness,

    blah blah blah.... There is a rumour going around that zeiss has developed a new class of

    lenses that are so sharp, that your eyes will actually bleed if you focus them accurately!!!!


  3. Dude, (Bruce) I think you nailed it on the head, and answered your own questions(s)... The

    differences in optics, are of course going to be minimal to the casual viewer, last photo

    exhibit I went to, no one was pulling out loupes to examine corner sharpness, and I don't

    recall the apeture or shutter speeds being listed along with the titles of any of the prints.

    The real difference is in the system itself, I think that is a no brainer. Optics aside, The

    rangefinder system itself, with the compact body and lenses, shooting techniques, and

    quiet shutter, simply suit some shooters and what they are shooting better. If all you are

    concerned with is optics, why not just stick with your current camera? Your prints look fine

    to me. If you are rally intent on showing up all of the leica users with a pentax, then Kudos

    my friend, pat yourself on the back for us, your prints look dandy IMHO, regardless of

    what camera or lenses they were shot with. I really can't see droves of Leica users

    switching brands, or say, going home and hanging themselves based on some forum

    posts.. Btw, I have a contax slr system for sale cheap, if you are interested in aquiring

    some REALLY good optics, I haven't really used it at all since I purchased my Leicas,

    cheers, and good luck.

  4. Bruce, sorry to strike a (dis) Chord..... My comment concerning brick walls was not aimed

    at you, it was aimed at the whole leica cult, who quote charts, tests, etc. to back up their

    belief that the equipment in question is SO superior to anything else (hogwash, I say) I was

    simply trying to illuminate the fact that the origin of this thread has absolutely NOTHING

    to do with 'lens business' at all! You were simply asking if anyone had a Leica Neg!!! to

    look at!! You weren't asking for an essay from another armchair Erwin Puts! And yet, you

    got several! read my post again friend, tonal qualities, etcetera do not 'float my boat'... and

    nowhere in my post do I state such. I said that those are the qualities that SELL prints (in

    my case) Actually Bruce, what floats my boat, is esthetic, and other qualities in the

    equipment itself I would send you a neg myself, If I felt that I possesed one that was

    actually properly exposed (my processing skills are, well.... lacking to say the least)... It

    astounds me how a simple request on this forum can always seems to degenerate into one

    or two guys cockfighting about lenses, 'sparkle', ltm, charts, graphs, historical quotes,

    until finally we have 20 photography geniuses showing each other down, and yet the

    simple request gets forgotten, and thrown to the wayside. Sad.... very sad. We all know

    rangefinders don't REALLY belong on tripods anyways, right?

    Just add a Leica to your kit , and get it over with! yyou know your'e going to anyways!

    Nice photos btw!!! May I ask what lens you used?? (kidding)!!! cheers, Harv

  5. Because they are really, really neat!! And once you have one, you can act all pretentious and

    elite and stuff!!!! A camera is not just a box with a lens on it!!! Plus your I.Q. will shoot

    through the roof, apparently. All jest aside, Of my many, many cameras, I ALWAYS have one

    of the M series with me, no matter what, and all of my other cameras sit gathering dust, or

    are with friends... someone's gotta shoot with them!!

  6. Pretty sad bunch!! I am ready to sell my leicas right now, just to completely

    distance myself from THIS type of mentality! Now I understand thr stigma that

    unfortunately goes with the brand!! Of all of my photos 8x10's and larger, the only thing

    that has EVER sold a peice for me is subject, composition, and tonal quality. After showing

    some recent prints to a DOP and Camera operator I work with, they all wanted to know

    how I get such deep blacks.... They already knew the prints in question were shot thru an

    M, so there was already a dogmatic 'reverence' and 'respect' for the prints themselves.... I

    told the a**hats that I got such deep blacks by printing on a epson 2800 on Ilford pearl,

    and selecting 'black only' in options (720dpi)...... they didn't ask any more questions. I

    bought a Leica to take pics, If we were rocket scientists I don't think we would be

    cockfighting back and forth on some cheesy forum, would we??

    "................................................ is a borguoise concept"

    Let's all just get over ourselves, really. If you are setting up a tripod and shooting brick

    walls, you look an absolute tosser, and obvoiusly NEED to get out and actually SHOOT

    something! Sheesh!!!!<div>00MVjh-38432184.jpg.ff9b78971d06ac58acd254788cfd8c8b.jpg</div>

  7. 40mm summicron c.... cheap, small, light' fast enough to shoot anything handheld with

    400asa ... Out of all of my Leica and non leica lenses, I shoot most ofthen with this one.....

    paid $200 @ auction<div>00KtqH-36198884.thumb.jpg.0023f299d5f08bd4eb2a4d04e1ef9c28.jpg</div>

  8. Buy a cheap 'leica summicron' hood of of the auction site ($9.99 for the one I bought)...

    thread it into your 40-c... it fits fine, and stays there, I dropped my filter(50mm) straight into

    the front of the hood, a touch of tape around the filter, or a dab of glue will hold it there fine,

    and plus, it looks factory as heck! I will send you pics etc if you like.

  9. I like your idea, Wiliam.... Looking at my M3, I realize that the advance lever is just one of the

    things I favour from the m2-3's over the more 'modern' itinerations..... found one on DAG, as

    well as another few things I would like....... as well as a few other things I would like......

    Awww shucks! I guess it's time to put some of that Screwmount stuff up for sale!!!

  10. What??...... Why all of this 'giant slayer' bs?? what happened is Leica a 'short guy' all of a

    sudden? Why not compare the damned thing to another 10mp sensor digital cam? or better

    yes, as said before, a 5D?? I ain't gonna buy the M8..... Canon is getting my digital money,

    Leica my film money.

  11. I am going through the same thing with my m3. There are a set of seals they use on the older M's and the MP... they are between the shutter and film plane, they are a very dense velvet like material, about 1/4" wide, and 1.5-2" long... the light is actually leaking into the camera through the lens... If you expose the lens to light for a while, say 5 or 10 minutes, the light leaks through where the seal is failing, in your case, upper left. The material is a b**ch to find btw... If anyone has some... Please help me out!
  12. I have 3...In order of aquisition, 1st: IIIc/collapsible 50mm summicron, 2nd: M3/ 50mm DR, 3rd M4-2/ 40mm 'cron. By far the M4-2 is my fave paid $600 for the body, $200 for the 40mm.... I love this camera, the M3 is a backup now. Start with a screw mount, play around with the cheap and plentiful lenses, you can use them on your M later with adapters. I no longer take a meter with me when I shoot..... even at night, don't hamstring yourself, start slow, and learn the process inside out! That said, my next Leica will be a M6 classic!! lol!! Have a ton of fun
  13. Hi Cedar! Why fool yourself??? If you don't buy a leica .... let's say you make a more 'financially sensible' decision, and go for the nikon, or bessa, You will find yourself shooting with one of these, and yet still dreaming of and pining (yes, pining) for a Leica. I started with a IIIc... affordable body, affordable glass... a little slow, some would say tedious. I already owned at that time, a nikon F, A contax slr, both with lots of glass, a mamiya 330, a rollei 35... see where this is going? I got an m3 this year, It is wonderful! You won't need a meter, after awhile, it becomes a crutch! If you get yourself a fine old M, you can also use some great screwmount glass with it! I have plenty of russian, and voigtlander glass, as well as the leitz, it is all wonderful stuff. The long and short of it is, I simply don't use any other cameras now! My s/m with a v/c 25, my M with 'cron, and MAYBE a 90mm elmar (very affordable, and IMHO just fine glass) is all that I need on any street, anywhere! The 25 is beautiful in the field.

    the ttl is a crutch, check the zone, or use the guides inside of film packs, trust me on this one Cedar, It's photography, not rocket science... If i wanted to be the next Ansel Adams I would be shooting Large format, If I wanted to be the next Bresson, I would be shooting right now! good luck, and have a great trip, hope to see some of your pics soon!!<div>00EgST-27219584.thumb.JPG.0fea2e34a8577cbd0aca21759043c2c9.JPG</div>

  14. I've got to get Horst's (Van Cam) phone #!! I took an old nikon to him (unrepairable) and got his card, which i promptly misplaced..... I need to get my contax and leica to him....... if anyone could kindly fwd me his phone# to h_thomison@hotmail.com, it would be greatly appreciated!!! ( I really don't want to just show up on his doorstep) P.S. I am in desperate need of a 35mm viewfinder!!!! if anyone has one they are willing or trying to part with, please let me know!!!

    P.S. Russian Glass!!!!!!!!!! :=)

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