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Posts posted by steve_mclevie

  1. <p>I am the owner of three Shen Hao models. I cannot say they are a polished performer. On my most used camera I've had to sand surfaces to tolerance, glue on bits of flocking to all wood / wood interfaces to prevent light leaks and I've drilled holes for stops and done other mechanical touch-ups.<br>

    However, I am taking photos without too many problems. I can't compare to any other brands because I live a long way from anyone else with LF. Having said all this, my Gitzo tripod is worse !</p>

  2. Hi guys,


    Thanks Doremus you're on the money there. My only reason for wanting to dilute a little further is because I'm worried about not having enough solution in the tank. If I try it and it works with 450ml (the recommended amount of working solution) then I'll stick with 450ml.


    I am planning to only develop in batches some time apart because I'm a realist about how often I'll shoot and am thinking of getting heavily involved in a new business.


    Thanks also to Chris and Peter - it looks good in that I only need to leave it in the mix for longer.


    Much appreciated.

  3. Hi,


    I have a general query whether you can reliably use a weak fixer solution. Say

    1:4 instead of 1:3 .. ? Is it that you just extend the fixing times or will the

    weakened (but fresh) working solution do something or other to the film

    development process ??


    The reason I ask is because I've just paid big money to air freight some TF4 to

    Australia and I have packaged the stock solution into small 100ml containers (to

    the brim) these plastic containers actually hold around 112 or 115 ml of fluid

    when filled to the brim. I did this to try to get the best shelf life possible

    over the full 4 litres of TF4.


    The Jobo 2521 tank reckons it needs 270ml of working solution when used sideways

    but I want to get that out to somewhere near 500ml if possible. I'm going to be

    using PyrocatHD in glycol as the developer.


    Cheers all.

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