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Image Comments posted by jim_j2

  1. Pretty impressive considering the 35mm equivalent at 900mm!

    I'm pretty confident that you also have "good technique" too!


    Beautiful Bird and somewhat different than the Ring Necked Pheasant that I've seen in the past.

    Off to do some field guide reading/searching!


    Cheers & Regards always,

    Jim j.


    Baccha Elongata


    Like Wayne above, I too like how it all looks suspended! Like the contrasting colors of the subject(s) against each other as well as the background. Really like the details of the fly too! Although, I was unable to view it large because of timing out.


    Cheers & Regards always,

    Jim j.



    As Tm indicated, . . . head on shots can be some of the most challenging and you did well here!

    I really like that it is sharp from his head to the wing tips and yet at f5.6 (I think)!


    Regards always,

    Jim j.

  2. Very nice lighting and details for this "vast" landscape.

    Last year when I traveled to Idaho the weather just wouldn't cooperate for me to get any nice clear landscapes of any of the Mountain Ranges we passed through.


    Appears that you had some "picture perfect" skies in South America!


    Cheers & Regards always,

    Jim j.



  3. Some very nice details in those feathers! Wish you had gotten just a tad bit more foreground depth of field though so, that his tail too would be in good focus like the rest of the Sparrow.


    Although most Sparrow's are not the most colorful of the Birds, in my opinion they are one of the most enjoyable to actually sit and watch. Their mating dance and display is almost as entertaining as that of some of the "Birds of Paradise" in many parts of the world.


    Nice shot all the way around from the lighting, composition, details and the presentation!


    Regards always,

    Jim j.

  4. That's quite a find/visitor and glad you had your camera!


    I've been trying to get close enough for a shot of an Albino Whitetail Deer that I've seen a number of times in the area of one of my haunts!


    I also like that equipment set-up you used for this shot. Sort of partial to it in fact!


    Cheers & Regards always,

    Jim j.



    Now that's a "busy" photograph!

    Not only in the variety of items from Ball Caps, Dishes, Bags to what I think is some food stuff on that shelf but, also busy in the different patterns and colors displayed! And, . . .

    "It all works and, I like it!"


    Hope you are enjoying/enjoyed the cruise! (Didn't pay enough attention to the dates!)


    Regards always,

    Jim j.



    One really must view this in the larger version to appreciate all the wonderful details!

    This is a really nice composition with them facing opposite directions and "watching out for each other," and they blend into their surroundings so well as nature provides.


    I can imagine this framed and hanging on a Lodge wall somewhere!


    Regards always,

    Jim j.

    close encounter


    Prehistoric looking creatures!

    Look like Shaggy Texas Longhorns, sort of, . . .


    I really do like the low POV and although we can't see the eyes behind all that long hair, I'm certain they are staring right at you!

    Good composition, lighting and excellent depth of field obtained so "everybodies nose can be seen!"


    Cheers & Regards,

    Jim j.

  5. Yep, starts to make us (Me) wonder why we lug those SLR's, big Lenses, and Tripods afield!

    But, . . . then again, for Me anyways, it wouldn't be nearly as fun or challenging!


    I've seen some pretty nice P&S and Phone shots and this one is right up there close to the top!


    Cheers & Regards always,

    Jim j.

    Ruby Falls 7


    I expect it would be easy enough to spend a couple of hours here photographing this "indoor waterfall" and getting the natural light just so, so for a pleasing photograph!

    Looks like you accomplished that very well!


    I'm guessing you got a little damp in the process but, appears it was worth the effort. The composition, details & lighting do indeed show the "vastness" of the cavern and this underground waterfall! A marvel of nature!


    Regards always,

    Jim j.

    Just Looking!


    A photograph I'm not used to seeing from you, . . . "no body perched on your finger tip!" Lol!


    This is simply great! One does not often get more than one species of birds in the same frame and, catching these two is unique although they usually share the same hunting areas!


    The details of both the Bald Eagle and the Great Blue Heron are very good and the Heron's wing position couldn't be better for this shot! As well as the lighting for both! (Getting any detail in the Bald Eagles dark feathers is a challenge, at least for me!)


    Nice shot!


    Regards always,

    Jim j.

    Aerial attack


    Some very nice action!

    Looks like there are four birds involved in this altercation! Someone call the "Gang squad!"


    Cheers & Regards always,

    Jim j.

    Graces' Mailbox


    I like Stephanie's correlation of the Cross, the mailbox and if. .. the womans name might be Grace, something I would never think of!


    Without your title the photograph would be less interesting to me because most likely I would never notice the mailbox! However, with the "Graces' Mailbox" the overall composition comes alive! The cross makes one wonder if Grace is no longer with us and, maybe the texting lady is asking someone the same question via her phone!


    Can provoke many different circumstances! And, who'd thought a simple Mailbox could to all that!



    Jim j.

  6. Hey, . . . perfect or even good light is often hard to find when shooting wildlife!

    In my non-expertise photographic opinion, . . . the highlights look fine, . . . maybe close to being blown, but fine!


    The details are very nice as well as that creamy background!


    Regards always,

    Jim j.

  7. The water droplets around its feet are icing on the cake!


    Not to be critical but, there do appear to be a couple of spots (possibly dust on your lens) that are a little distracting. One just behind the Avocet's feet and the other in the upper right hand section of the frame.

    Just sayin, . . .



    Jim j.

    Fern's bud


    At first glance of the thumbnail it looked like a psychedelic Boxing Glove!


    However, "Now I see!" And excellent Macro and I've never seen a Fern's bud before and had no idea of how beautiful they would be!


    I am curious though about the background and how you obtained that "light painting" look.




    Regards always,

    Jim j.

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