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Posts posted by miles1

  1. <p>Yes, Eric, I think the Fuji X is a good platform with sensors 65% larger than Olympus and 4/3 and therefore better ISO performance while not needing to be as large as full frame. The Fujifilm images seem to have more pop similar to the Leica M or Nikon D800, incredible engineering on their part; remember that they make the lenses and many parts for the medium format Hasselblad H cameras. It's great to have something with extremely high build quality too.</p>
  2. <p>Thanks Eric; sounds like a wise strategy you've got there. I'm also mainly Nikon but am lured by the small size of the X cameras and their astonishing image quality. The cameras' handling and firmware will improve year on year hopefully mostly in the AF and EVF departments. I've been out shooting today and the overall experience is pretty good. I would also like the multi area autofocus to be more like Nikon's but the continuous AF is better than expected based on some of the reviews. I would also say that a really fast SD card is necessary; I'm now using a 90 mb read/write card and things are much smoother. I look forward to seeing how it works out for you Eric.</p>
  3. <p>Wayne, I think you're right that this is not on Fuji's radar. To clarify again: I want the camera to focus on the half press then lock if kept on the half press ready for subsequent shots until the finger is taken off the trigger when the camera can then refocus on the next half press. No refocussing between shots when half pressed. DSLR guys shoot like this all the time, whenever the trigger is pressed the shutter opens, no delay. </p>
  4. <p>Cheers C, let's hope Fuji reads these things. Yes, Eric, a good deal for sure however it was the phase detect AF and snappier electronics that made me go for the XE-2. Don't get me wrong people, this a fine camera; superb image quality and excellent build quality. Just that as it stands it's more suitable for static subjects and bit trickier for on the fly stuff. There are work arounds, manual zone focus being one, but it could be so much better with a few lines of code...</p>
  5. <p>Andy; firstly the Nikons have the option to lock the focus with a half press and NOT refocus so long as it's kept half pressed. That's all I want. It's not a bug as such just a result of immature firmware. If I don't want it to refocus between shots I should have that option. The CNET review http://reviews.cnet.com/digital-cameras/fujifilm-x-e2-body/4505-6501_7-35829243.html talks about this and how it makes the camera on the slow side. "Read your mind;" one would have to be pretty stupid to expect that, I'm not sure you understand my point exactly. All I want to do is avoid refocus between shots if I <strong>KEEP </strong>the button half pressed, so easy to do in firmware as an option. Think about it; once I've acquired perfect focus with a half press why would I want to go through the whole 1 second process of refocussing and miss a decisive moment?<br /> I am not alone, check out these links:<br /> http://www.fujix-forum.com/index.php/topic/9217-avoid-refocusing-after-every-shot/<br /> http://www.fujix-forum.com/index.php/topic/14835-am-i-missing-something-re-af-on-the-x-e1/</p>
  6. Thanks Andy; I can assure you that

    this behaviour is not normal for Nikons,

    that would slow the camera down way

    too much. As I said I already use the

    AFL method however would much

    prefer to use the shutter half press. All

    that is needed is a simple menu option

    saying something like "no refocus with

    half press." I'll continue to use the

    camera while travelling but ultimately

    this will be a deal breaker for me and I

    will look at other options if Fuji don't fix

    this in the very near future.

  7. <p>I just purchased a Fujifilm XE2 with the 35mm 1.4 and am hugely impressed with the image quality, better than my Nikon D700 for sure. However there is one major flaw that would be so easy to fix in firmware. The camera refocuses between shots when the shutter is half pressed thus slowing down shot to shot times enormously. All that Fuji would have to do is put an option in the menu via firmware to stop refocus on trigger half-press and the handling would be greatly enhanced. <br /> I have been using the AFL in manual focus and also manually locking in AF and while this works nicely I would much prefer the camera to hold focus via the shutter release.<br /> My question is what is the best way to alert Fuji to this issue with a good chance that they will actually read it and take note? Is there a link for providing feedback? Is anyone else bothered by this as it affects all Fujifilm X bodies such as the X100s and X Pro 1?<br /> Thanks in advance,<br /> Miles.</p>
  8. The 50mm 1.8 is unbelievably sharp even wide open on the D700 and if you buy one you could put the extra money towards a 35mm f2. I

    mostly use these two lenses on the D700 and the clarity and contrast is superior to any zooms I have tried. The smaller size and lighter

    weight make them fantastic for street and candid shots. There is also a hard to define pleasure in using primes on an FX body which

    reminds me of the purity and simplicity of photography from when I first got an SLR aged 13.


    Do enjoy the D700, I finally feel I have found a digital camera which I want to keep for a long time.


    Regards, Miles.

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