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Image Comments posted by keri_l

    M o o o N

    I'm glad you took this picture so close up; we can actually see that the moon is actually more grey than white! It's a good picture, but would have looked better if you included some stars in the background, giving it a more "out of this world" feeling.
  1. English: I like this photo because it looks like one that I took in February. But this one is clearer.

    Espanol: Tengo gusto de esta foto porque parece una que tome en febrero. Pero este esta mas claro.

  2. What's really great about this picture is how perfectly the picture shows on the girl, especially on her butt! Thanks for having her hair up else it would've blocked the flower. What kind of flower is that, anyways? A rose? The colours of this picture also make it very mystic.


    I think the red sheet looks better than the white sheet you used in another picture. Hiding her face and putting her in such a forward position really brings the picture together. Very well done.


    I'm not sure why but the lighting and her pose kind of reminds me of paintings of humans meeting God or something. Anyways, is the thing the sheet is covering a vase? I'd love to know how you did this picture.



    This is a good shot with the bird carefully scooped up in the palm of your hands.


    One day after coming home from elementary school, my mom told me that the lawn guy was mowing the lawn when the lawn mower banged into a small tree. The dude put it back in the nest, but the mother bird didn't want it back because he touched. So, I went outside, saw it there helplessly on the ground, and decided to make it my pet. My neighbour wanted in too so she and I took turns taking care of it (I forgot what we named it though). In my house we have a couple fake trees with stuff on it, like a nests. So, I used one of the nests as the bird's home. Cathing worms wasn't easy (we only got one) so we feed it bird seeds from Pet Supermarket. Well, after a month or so, the bird died. Yes, we cried about it and yes, we had a funeral (with a shoebox casket and some prayers). It's buried under my neighbour's extended outside patio, near a tree. Anyways, it looked similar to the bird in this picture so I though I'd tell my story.


    This is a really nice picture, and it being in black and white just made it better. Is that frozen CO2 or another mix of chemicals?
  3. I feel like the last one to comment on this picture! Before, I was reading everyone else's comments and I have to say I agree with them too: the moss is too perfect! I like the pose as well. My first thought when I saw it was: Hey cool it's a caveman who has been banned from his tribe and is hiding out in his secret area by himself. I liked the first picture better than the other ones where the position is changed and the colour is black and white (I'm telling you! That moss is great! Even if it's fake...is it fake?).


    Your harmony collection is excellent, but my first thought wasn't all that great: The guy wants to become the rock. He's tired of this world and being one with the rock is so much cooler.

  4. Wow. I wish I knew what was used to create such a graphically stunning picture like this! I like the green hue; it's perfect for this sci-fi theme. It's so cool with the two skies, the comets, the TV, the glaciers....geez! Everything in this just screams originality!
  5. If you hadn't told me you weren't invited I would have said you were a great wedding photographer because I could imagine the hallway as a long road they'll travel together. But hey, what're doing snooping around and taking pictures? Or were you just passing by?
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