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Posts posted by johnclinch

  1. Well I think we agree that 1350 isn't enough as the difference is way more than subtle. Its not a matter of right and wrong but right for you.


    The other day I was at a friends house. We had both bought new digicams (another hint resolution isn't the be all and end all to me) from rival brands. Any hint that one of us had bought the wrong camera went as soon sa we got our albums out. 90% of his photos were indoors 90% of mine were outdoors.


    Actually if was scanning grainy film, where the film was part of the image, I would be more likley to use the higher resolution to record the grain.

  2. I scan at 2700 dpi which gives 12 x 8 at 300 dpi. 1350dpi will give 6 x 4 at high resolution and slightly softer enlargements.


    In my experience 2700 dpi gets most of the imfo out of my slides, 1350 wouldn't. To it would be hard to justify a lower resolution.


    I started a smaller job than this in March. Befor you start take time to learn about what you're doing and develop a robust work flow.


    Start by reading this




    Don't start in earnest until you have the basics of colour management sorted.


    I have found scanning rewarding but its alot to learn to do well.


    Have fun



  3. Dual scan IV is good if you are not in a rush (no dust removal)


    In theory flat beds have got better but i had my fingers burnt by an epson 1200, it could not achieve that lowly resolution.


    I bought a dimage 5400


    these a currently well priced in the uk, but slow on negative film. I use mainly slides


    I mainly scan at 2700 dpi (about 12 x 8 at 300 dpi or about 10 megapixels). i wasn't confinced that *my* slides had much or anymore

    detail at 5400 dpi. The impact of 200Mb files on my machine was dramatic.


    So did I need a 5400 dpi scanner, well yes and no. It does 2700 dpi really well, I think it down samples in software. So on a sharp slide it looks good at 100% even before sharpening. I could not work without ICE, so I'm pleased.


    I would have bought a coolscan V but apparently the minolta has advantages with Kodachrome

  4. I couldn't resit having a go, on a basically uncalibrated monitor


    So it was pull down the centre of the blue curve working in rgb


    then pull up the centre of the saturation curve and a sort of s shape curve in lightness (hsl curves)


    I assume this can all be done in photo shop


    Please let me know if I could have done this better


    It is screaming out to have a mask at tree line level but that takes real time

  5. I think I should stress my profile was free. Try posting and seeing if anyone has a velvia profile for your scanner they will share...


    I know that it should be made for a particular scanner but clearly I got away with it


    Before I had the profile I would set black and white points and then then do a curve adjustment on blue


    In reference to your slide i would say that there is noything more challenging than those slides with huge dynamic range. They look so good projected but paper and even monitors dont have that dynamic range.


    As John says you should be able to do it with selective adjustments but I think this takes major skills, read the norman koran stuff

  6. Thanks John


    I thought you were sugesting that you physically need to scan twice. I think in fact we are in agreement


    I have found these articles very useful




    they are based on picture window pro, which I use as a cheap photoshop alternatve, but the articles relate equally well to photoshop


    These pictures show the way that a profile can effect colours. They are the same scan with different prifiles and similar levels correction. Both have the same white point but the profile has removed the magenta from the bushes. I find this hard to do by hand.


    I prepared to accept that neither image is correct and even that the insane green isn't an improvement, but it makes the point

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