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Posts posted by thebsproject

  1. Well, If you carry another camera and your just looking for a Medium Format to carry as well, I suggest a Holga. I have owned my Holga for quite a while, and it has always been my main camera for traveling. It takes some gall to rely on it completely but it is more durable then some might suggest. My gets bashed around quite abet but simplicity keeps it all together. And its nice because if you lose it, its a cheap replacement. <br>

    Of course, lenses very from camera to camera, but if you get a good one it's a great companion. Hell, even if you decide on another medium format, a Holga is the best $15 you can keep tucked in a bag, and it's unique compositions add to otherwise routine travel photography. <br><br>


  2. Does anyone know where I can get information on repairing the Shutter

    speed timer for an Argus C-3? I can't find anything on the web. The

    Shuter seems to lock open when I try to set the speed at 50 or

    slower, and I have to manually close it by moving the cocking lever.

    I didn't want to dump oil on anything until I threw this thread at

    you guys. Thanks tremendiously.<br><br>


  3. Damn, just tonight I was getting the Third Degree while picking up a lens and it brought around the 'confession' that I have <i>seven</i> Cameras! I was even made to feel guilty about my 'Massive Collection', though I was complimented on putting film through all of them. I had been keeping all but my Nikon tucked away until use, but I think now some of you Hardcore types have inspired me to get a shelf up and be a little prouder of the pile.
  4. Hey all, I'm a vicious novice, so bare with me. I recently fell in

    love with an Argus C-3 and I wanted to accessorize. So off the 'Bay I

    bought an Argus Tele-Sandmar 100mm Lens. Problem is, it has this haze

    on the second element, ( right teminology? i mean the second glass

    in ), It almost looks like an old stain on water, but it seems to be

    coming from the outside edges in. Is this fungus? or is it the

    coating reacting? Mostly, is this lens screwed, or can it be

    economically repaired? Thank you for any help.



  5. Below is a photo of the lens I just received with my 'needs TLC'

    Speed Graphic camera. I am a tinker'er and would like get this

    camera fully operational and in use again, but I have a few

    questions about the lens. <br>


    First off, since this lens has a shutter built in, I don't need to

    worry about the Cameras behind the bellows shutter, right?<br>


    Second, this camera came with a soleniod, but I don't quite grasp

    how it functions. It has an arm with very limited movement, only

    about 5mm, whilst the shutter actuator has about 18mm movement. They

    line up somewhat like the solenoid triggers the shutter, but I'm

    thinking that I have the wrong understanding of how this works.

    Also, the plug is pictured above it, but I don't know where/what

    this would plug into, other then a flash (which I don't



    <IMG SRC="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3080395-md.jpg"><br><br>


    Also, in the red circle on the lower right, there is a lever that

    moves just 2mm or so, and returns very slowly. By itself, it seems

    to do nothing, but if you pull it before opening the shutter, it

    only allows the shutter to open to about the size of f/18, then

    stops it. If it is held down after the shutter is opened all the

    way, it acts like a break for the closing shutter, but this does not

    seem like a correct operation. below this is a brass flip-lever that

    is mounted to the lens board. If lever mounted to the lens had the

    same travel as the shutter lever, it would seem that this brass flip-

    lever would hold it open, but otherwise weems to do nothing more

    then flip up. <br><br>


    Lastly, would anyone know if this lens is rebuildable? I would like

    to take it apart to clean the glass and movements, but I've never

    taken a camera lens apart and I don't know the practicality of doing

    so. At least, is there a parts or reference source? <br>


    Any insight into these questions, or correction of my teminalogy

    would be appreciated. <br><br>

    Thank you<br>


  6. Being quite novice but already leaning towards the desire to own a

    Leica M6 on a pultry budget, I wonder what some of you more

    experienced Leica owners might suggest in regards to; I was thinking

    of picking up a Russian copy as they seem to go inexpensively on

    Ebay, yet I don't know how the lens compatability would be. My

    reasoning is that with a cheap russian body, I could get some high

    quality real Leica glass at my leasure, scooping the tables,

    classified and the OL Auctions, and have the instant gratification

    of using the lens since I expect it to be a longtime before I can

    afford an M6 Body. Does anyone think this is foolish?

  7. This was an interesting thread, especially the informative replies by Jim A., John S., Stephen H. and Donald Q. I had not the foggiest about how copyright applied to photography. And it certainly seemed to ring out a few personal feelings and opinions as well!


    Perhaps Photo.net could have a section that has some FAQ's about copyright, both for our protection and for the service of fellows such as Walter. Perhaps in the case of Walter it would include a strong set of facts, or steps that he can take that absolve personal opinions and give a start to research steps we could all take to allow for consumer reproduction of certain circumstance photographs. So that be it Wal-Mart or Small-Town-Photo, we are armed with a confident approach that doesn't require us to skirt law or morality, nor have to change our service shop.

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