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Image Comments posted by emotive



    When her family. fifty or sixty years from now, gathers photographs for a slide show, or 3D holograph presentation as it might be, this will be an image that begins or ends the presentation and surely the image that generates the most audible ooohhs and awwwws.





    Soy sauce, sugar, Mirin, vinegar, garlic, sesame seeds, sea salt and

    chicken...not necessarily in that order.


    Thank you for looking.

    Saying good-by


    Congratulations Juan and Eddy

    Like a wonderful meal, when the chef knows his ingredients and has mastered his technical craft, the plate stands on its own. And first, we eat with our eyes, yes?

    But how much better is the meal when we know the chef? When the chef comes to our table with a warm greeting to tell us about the ingredients and the inspiration behind the dish. Excellent food is even better when served with a memorable story as are so many of your eye-watering photographs.

    If, by the way, everyone likes your food…you’re not feeding enough people.



    "Nothing" is being capable of setting the camera and punching the buttons...


    Seeing the shot:...that is everything. That is what you do Bob.


    Thank you for the lessons.

  1. The rust, the rain, the expression and the composition...displaying a presence of mind to shoot portrait when time is working against you. Well done.


    The "white monster" is such a great at-the-ready lens. And you are putting it to good use.





    Thank you Juan. Your advice is much appreciated. No room in the kitchen, so I have set up the light box, as per your suggestion, in the dining area. Unlike with most food photography, as you undoubtedly know, the food I shoot is edible and, in fact, eaten shortly after being photographed. Sometimes, I am happily torn between my love of photography and my passion for cooking. Both the photography and the cooking are on my Klubuni website.


    Thank you again and please relay my best regards to Eddy.

  2. I see a woman in some very effective camouflage looking at us from behind a tree.


    Thank you for your service and congratulations on your portfolio. Having fun is one thing...being good at is is another. You have put them together very well.



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