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Image Comments posted by jongaus

  1. Excellent composition and colors. Very nice work. Difficult to improve, but here is one suggestion: A higher placement of the lights would perhaps improve the picture further? (Then you have to go back and take more shots...)
  2. This photo was taken more than 20 years ago. The motif made me think

    about early cubistic works by Picasso and Braque, I thought no wonder

    cubism was invented in Paris. In spite of mediocre sharpness, I like

    it. What do you think?

    Spirit Dancer

    I think this is really great! The movement, the expression in his face, the colors, everything. But I would like to see a version without the motion blur. Does it really add quality here?
  3. I like this picture, although I didn't realize what it was. I thought it was i staircase and some sort of broken telephone automates or something. I like the colors, the composition, and the mirror effect of both symmetry (the dispensers) and broken lines.
  4. Thanks for comments. Your suggestion is cleaner than mine, and improves the picture in many ways. Still I prefer to keep the naked wall area to the right, I don't know exactly why, maybe I feel it balances the sheets in some way. And then I'm forced to keep some of the left edge too, to prevent the sheets going too far left. Anyway, thanks a lot for your suggestion.
  5. I think your second version is an improvement. But I would keep the large hole on the right-hand side, or at least parts of it. It "communicates" with the hole under the metal plate. Some thoughts about cropping: Balance is important, but tension is also important. Don't crop to achieve maximum balance, crop to achieve maximum tention while preserving sufficiant balance. Which means that the most obvious cropping will only give the second best result.
  6. A nice motive. Old wood and paint fascinate me too. I think the composition is a bit too symetric. I would have cropped it more, I suggest you remove most of the area above the metal plate. (The lower part of the image holds the most interesting part.) I would also increase the contrast/saturation by reducing gamma

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