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  1. From a pathway beneath the bridge.
  2. I like both a great deal, but I think there is better separation of the foreground in the color version, giving it more energy. Both work really well.
  3. mcedric


    This is my favorite from the set of your lotus pictures. Beautiful work, such a delicate light and feel to the image. Excellent.
  4. mcedric

    lavender blossom

    This was shot on a short morning walk. I like the purple flowers in the background and separation of the central blossom. Your thoughts on how to improve are welcome along with all other comments. Thanks, Michael.
  5. mcedric

    lavender blossom

    Exposure Date: 2015:05:18 06:59:55; Make: NIKON CORPORATION; Model: NIKON D200; ExposureTime: 1/100 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 100; ExposureProgram: Manual; ExposureBiasValue: 0/6; MeteringMode: Spot; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 105 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 157 mm; Software: Capture NX-D 1.2.0 W;
  6. mcedric


    Thanks for looking!
  7. mcedric

    rafsan (77).JPG

    I like this composition, it reminds me of a poem by Mark Strand with the lines: "And now we are here The dinner is ready and we cannot eat." I agree that the point of focus is too far into the image. But it is very evocative. Michael
  8. I agree with the previous poster. This is really gorgeous, but I wish there was a little more brightness overall. Michael
  9. mcedric


    This is my first attempt at still life and table top, off camera flash. Lit with a Vivitar 285HV through a shoot through umbrella, umbrella about 10" from left apple, camera about 36". Background is a white poster board. Your comments are most welcome, I really want to improve. I'm not entirely pleased with the composition, but I am really studying exposure and light placement here. I know there is a little overexposure, but I'm not sure how to correct that and keep the high key and soft light. Shot with: Nikon D200 @ISO 200, kit lens Nikon 18-55 3.5-.56G, 250th at F16, Flash Manual full power, cropped slightly to more fully fill the frame with the subject.
  10. mcedric


    Exposure Date: 2014:10:27 12:36:59; Make: NIKON CORPORATION; Model: NIKON D200; ExposureTime: 1/250 s; FNumber: f/16; ISOSpeedRatings: 200; ExposureProgram: Manual; ExposureBiasValue: 0/6; MeteringMode: Pattern; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 55 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 82 mm; Software: Capture NX-D 1.0.2 W;
  11. <p>I'm just getting into off camera flash and discovered this technique to use with my just acquired SB800: Try using the 285 as the "master" and the SB800 as slave. Set the SB800 to SU4 choice in the master slave menu and choose manual exposure. You can even use the 285 off camera with a sync cable and trigger the SB800. See here:http://strobist.blogspot.com/2007/08/unlock-superslave-in-your-nikon-sb-800.html for details. I just learned about is and can't wait to test it out.<br> Michael</p>
  12. Central Park, NYC<div></div>
  13. Exposure Date: 2014:09:26 17:51:39; Make: NIKON CORPORATION; Model: NIKON D200; ExposureTime: 10/600 s; FNumber: f/8; ISOSpeedRatings: 200; ExposureProgram: Manual; ExposureBiasValue: 12/6; MeteringMode: Spot; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 105 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 157 mm; Software: GIMP 2.8.14; ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R03;
  14. mcedric

    Hawk in the park

    Exposure Date: 2014:09:26 13:50:51; Make: NIKON CORPORATION; Model: NIKON D200; ExposureTime: 10/600 s; FNumber: f/5; ISOSpeedRatings: 200; ExposureProgram: Normal program; ExposureBiasValue: 0/6; MeteringMode: Pattern; Flash: Strobe return light not detected; FocalLength: 55 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 82 mm; Software: Windows Photo Editor 6.3.9600.17122; ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48;
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