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Posts posted by wistler

  1. their wedding on for portfolio viewing, would it be acceptable to print up tasteful business cards with that exact website address? Something like "BLAH BLAH photography will display X & X's wedding portfolio on line at www.BlahBlah.com/pageX&X.

    This way, all guests will be able to see some pictures of the B&G after the big event and up traffic on website plus cards are handed out.

    Thoughts? It may be a stupid question, but hey, as a beginner, I think if the thought is in my mind, I should ask.


  2. (once again) everyone has their own individual preferances....

    I'm hoping to purchase a 20D. My questions are...

    1) What size memory cards do you prefer?

    2) Is there a device to "download" the images from the cards to back

    them up at the wedding? (not a laptop computer)

    3)What size image do you set your camera on?

    4) Do you shoot raw or a specific size jpeg?

    5) Can anyone recommend a fairly basic how-to book to read to start

    learning about digital?



  3. set those up for your clients? Do you have a separate package for

    them or do you include them in a wedding package? Do any of you do

    a "3 score" type package (priced accordingly of course) "Engagement,

    Bridal, And Wedding"..or all seperate purchases?

    And...Do any of you do "Groom" sessions...if the brides can have a

    bridal...why can't the groom have his own? That interests me a lot. I

    am going to do this for my husband to be...I have some awesome ideas

    for this and am excited to get to it.


  4. Tell us your personal experiances! What would you change about the 20D (I'm looking into buying one soon)? What is it's best feature in YOUR opinion as well as it's worst? What was hardest for YOU when you first got it?
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