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Posts posted by schnellimages

  1. I know there are those that are using Exress Digital for galleries and print

    sales. I have just begun using it recently when a local lab began offering the

    service. It seems like a good operation - though setting things up proved to

    be more of a headache than I would have liked.


    I have already begun to receive some small orders, and have noticed that the

    fees seem a little high. 15% commerce fee, handling fees, etc.


    I don't really have to do anything but check the images and approve. Am I

    being just a greed head and should shut up?


    Be brutal, thanks.

  2. Jill,

    I was probably the one with the earlier thread, as I had the same problem. I spoke with Adobe and they gave me a couple of options (that did not work). If you go to their support section there are some possible solutions. However, I eventualy had to reinstall CS2 to get rid of the problem - not the way I would have preferred to go. Adobe got some 'splainin to do.

  3. So, I am looking for advice on bridal protraits. I have more and

    more of this kind of work (all outdoors) and do not want to do the

    same old thing all the time.

    Any suggestions or examples of somethring creative that I can

    blatantly stea.. er, be inspired by?


    Much love.

  4. JOhn,


    Thank you for the advice. I am referring to the printer dialogue box, and I am selecting the centered print option. I have also tried without just as a check. Also, I should have mentioned that in the print preview window, everything looks fine, but the print comes out cockeyed. Again, this is something that seemingly started without reason.

    I will check the selected printer option as well - that could be an issue.


  5. I have been having some trouble printing images on my 2200. I have

    been printing 9x11 images on 13x19 Ilford Lustre paper, but they

    have suddenly been coming out with the image off center - towards

    the top and right hand side of the paper. I have tried every setting

    I can think of in the printer dialigue box, with no luck. Drivers

    are new as well. This did not use to be an issue, and I cannot

    figure out what is wrong, or what I am missing. Any thoughts or

    suggestions would be appreciated.


  6. Thanks Sabastian. I have looked a little at Proshow. Is there a justafiable difference in the price between Gold and Producer? I have not done the slideshow service yet, but it is something I want to begin to offer.


    Thanks again.

  7. I have been shooting weddings with my 1D Mk II and 580 flash using

    just the onboard batteries (I will wait for a moment for the cries

    of derision to pass). This has actually not posed much of a problem,

    but I have been thinking I need to invest in a Quantum or something.

    I was wondering what some suggestions there might be out there. I

    used to have a Bantam years ago, but everything is updated now.

    What is new and recommended?



  8. I was looking for some feedback on some of these modeling sites. I

    am experienced, but not much in people and model work. I would like

    to grow this part of my portfolio. I was told about Model Mayhem,

    and All Model Zone and have registered with them both. My question

    is whether they are a viable way to find people for TFP work? I

    cannot see if this is worth the effort.


    Thank you.

  9. I am submitting several matted prints to a gallery to sell. They are

    interested in the work, which is nice. I have what may be a dumb

    question though. Where do you sign the print? Is it proper to sign

    the print itself, or the matte? It seems I have seen it done both

    ways, but can't be sure, nor which is proper. (Or does it matter?)


    Any experience out there with this?



  10. I am trying to decide between the Canon 17-40L and the Tamron 11-18

    Di lens. I know they are slightly different perspectives, but I am

    primarily concerned with sharpness comparisons. The cost is roughly

    the same. I am looking for anyone with input on how they compare in




  11. ANy advice for setting pricing for commercial work? I have been

    asked to shoot some human interest work for a local Health Spa to

    use for their marketing work. Portraits of individuals who have

    turned things around through the spa, etc. I am familiar with

    pricing my wedding work, as well as fine art work. However, I don't

    want to either price myself out of the running, or leave money on

    the table either. I work in the Central Virginia area. Just looking

    for guidance.



  12. I can see that this subject has been danced around in some manner on

    these forums before, but I was interested in a more direct response -

    if possible. I have been freelancing (part time) for about ten

    years, and am attempting to finally take things to the next level. I

    have shot many weddings, portraits, and some commercial work for a

    local developer. In each case, I have quoted packages, and prices

    based partly on experience, what I would like to get, and what I

    think I can get (basically pulled out of thin air). This is about as

    unscientific as you can get, and needs to be more professional. Is

    there a 'formula' of sorts that most professional photographers use

    when they establish an hourly (or day) rate - or is that naive? I do

    not want to be a 'spoiler' who lowballs everything to get business

    (there are plenty around in this area), but I want to be reasonable

    and competitive.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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