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Posts posted by sacbee

  1. Hello people,


    I finally decided to buy a macro lens for my EOS system. But making choice is a

    difficult task and I need ur help. I have the following list:


    Sigma 150mm F2.8 APO DG EX HSM

    Sigma 180mm F3.5 EX APO Macro IF

    Sigma 105 F2.8 EX Macro 1:1

    Canon EF 100mm F2.8 Macro USM.


    I've read reviews about these lenses at fred miranda and other websites and as

    per that Sigma 150mm and Canon 100mm are the better among others. But I want

    your personal opinons (whoever has used any of these lenses.


    I also wanted to know what are the differences, apart from distance from subject

    , in using 100+mm macro lens and 28 or 50mm macro lenses. Is there any advantage

    in using 28 or 50mm macro lenses?


    Thanks in advance for all your replies.




  2. For those who travel to India and want to do something more than those typical

    photography of Rajasthan deserts, Delhi monuments, Kerala backwaters and

    Tamilnadu Temples here is my recommendation.


    The name of the place is Thirthahalli. Its in the southern state of Karnataka,

    around 300Km from Bangalore. Its a taluk headquarter and is a part of Shimoga

    district. This place has a very thick forest cover and is abode of plethora of

    snakes, butterflies, insects and other wild animals. There are extremely

    beautiful landscapes, rivers and mountains all around. Its also very close to

    the famous Agumbe, which receives the second highest rainfall in the country.


    I didnt have the right equipment. A true macro, an extreme wide angle and a

    decent telephoto lenses are a must to visit this place. I managed it with a 50mm

    prime and a cheap 75-300mm Canon lenses. I had just three days of time to spend

    in this place and here is what I got.






  3. Dear all,


    I myself had given the same suggestion sometime back but nothing has been

    done. Today I had to upload more than 100 photos and I had to rename all the

    photographs twice - once during editing and saving and once during uploading it

    to PN. This is really a pain in the arse. I rename my photos just because I

    dont want them to have a tag "Untitled" in PN.


    Why dont you concerned website guys please make the Caption and file name the

    same "BY DEFAULT". I'm not asking to remove the caption field itself, I'm just

    asking you to make it same as file name. If need arises the photographer will

    change the caption.


    Hope this change will be done in the near future to save most of our's time




  4. Hello all,


    1. I wanted to know where I can get the required materials like

    cleaning swabs, liquid etc. in China, particularly in Shanghai. Also

    is there any website who can take my order and deliver it to Shanghai.


    2. My CMOS is utterly dirtied. You can observed spots without even

    magnifing the image. All my sky/sunset/clouds shots during recent

    trip are screwed up. So as a quick solution can I use bulb-blower?

    Will it reduce the dust to some extent atleast?




  5. Hi Rainer,


    Thanks for your response. Yes! before the failure of the mircrodrive, it was working well with the reader, I used to transfer my pictures using the same reader. Well now I've fixed the problem and would like to share some of the misconceptions I had and what I learnt with others.


    1. In most cases when a microdrive gets corrupted, it is not really damaged. Its just that its file system gets concked up. A format will solve the problem.


    2. But formatting "MAY" destroy the photographs. So its better you use "Photorescue" (perhaps a very reliable tool with an easy interface) to backup your photographs. I tried someother tools also, but nothing comes close to this one. The best part is you can see the thumbnails of your pictues when its recovering, this kind of builds up your confidence that you can recover your pictures.


    3. Remember: You need to have a full version for saving the pictures, demo version just displays the thumbnails. ("PC Inspector smart recovery" couldnt recover any of my RAW files). One more thing I observed when recovering pictures was that the photorescue tool could even recover some pictures which I had taken long time ago and I had formatted the card before. Thats the reason I had enclosed MAY within quotes in point 2.


    4. Once the photographs are transferred, shove the mircodrive in the camera's slot and format it. I had thought that camera can never access the microdrive, but thats not the case, it can recognize the file system, but it can format the drive. So formatting should fix the problem and get the smile back on your face.


    5. You'll learn something when bad things strikes you.




  6. Bad time stikes everybody, this time it was my turn. Suddenly my 2 GB

    Hitachi microdrive stopped responding and my 20D LCD was blinking with

    "CF Error". Worse part was this happened after 2 days of photographing

    during my vacation. My obvious question is how on earth I can get

    back my images? Even my card reader (Lexar) is unable to read the

    card. I'm keeping my fingers crossed with the ache in the heart for

    your responses. Is there any way I can get them back?


    My next question is "Which one to buy next?". Now I've realized the 2

    1gig cards are better than 1 2gig card. But which one is more

    reliable and fast?

  7. Hi Frank,

    My intention was not to flood the forum. Recently I explored this forum and saw a couple of posts wherein they had posted their photographs of travel. I just thought of sharing some of mine here since it was a relevant forum. By the way your post didnt answer my question.




  8. Hi Lalith,


    Brahmagiri is very close to Coorg. It is around 4 - 5 hours journey from Bangalore. We have go via Mysore I guess. The hiking starts from Irpu, a small village which has a Irpu water fall too, but dont stop at the water fall when u're starting the hike, you can keep it for the return journey. After trekking for nearly 4 hours, you end up in Narimale forest guest house which has a watersource nearby. So you can take rest, cook something if you want and then continue to Brahmagiri which is another 3 hours trek. But I would recommend you to trek Brahmagiri on the second day. First day you can visit "Pakshi patala" a very scenic spot with many rocks. Second day you start early, trek Brahmagiri. The last strech is pretty steep, but for that its a cool trek. We spotted Sambar, Indian gaur and wild elephants, unfortunately I had my KM DImage Z1 which couldnt catpure them well. On the way back take a shower at Irpu waterfall and start ur return journey.




  9. Here are the photographs of my spring vacation holidays in Fenghuang,

    China. The place is located in the Hunan province and very laid back,

    scenic spot. Different from most of the places I've been to in China.

    Your comments will be encouraging.

    Day 1 - http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=569572

    Day 2 - http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=569579

    Day 3 - http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=569933




  10. I would not suggest EXIF because the intention of the upload tool is for bulk uploading where the only parameters which could remain same (its less probable that u upload photographs shot with different cameras/lens in one shot) are camera/lens.


    If EXIF is provided, then bulk uploading does not have any meaning. It can be left to the photographer to fill-in the exif later, I guess.


    What do u guys feel?




  11. I appreciate the upload tool which was introduced some weeks ago, but

    now I feel its the time to make some improvements.


    1. I rename my photographs and select them for upload, I've to again

    key-in the title of the shot, most of the times which is same as the

    file name. Instead I feel its better if the title is by default same

    as the name of the file. If need arises then we can rename it.

    Because of this inconvenience, I've seen many photos on the website

    with title "untitled".


    2. It does not allow to delete one particular photo once I've selected

    to upload which is really painful. If I decide not to upload one

    photograph after selecting it, then I either have to upload it and

    delete it or I've clear all the files and again select which is really



    3. You can give some more basic fields like camera/lens selection in

    the upload tool. We can find so many photographs (including mine)

    without any information on the equipment used.


    I think many other members would have also felt the same when

    uploading. Please share your views.




  12. Hello all,


    I'm unable to open the RAW files in photoshop shot with my 20D.

    Photoshop says that the file is not recognized. I used card reader to

    transfer the files.


    How can I solve this problem?




  13. Greetings,


    I've lost my EOS20D software CD, is there any link where I can

    download the EVU? Or it would be great if someone can zip it up and

    upload it on some server passing on the link to me.


    Thanks a lot,


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