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Posts posted by shayne_laverdi_re

  1. Hi Guys


    I have heard many times that you can bring the ISO setting down to

    50 in the custom functions area with the 20D. I know you can boost

    it to 3200, but 50? I can't find this function anywhere, please





  2. Thanks Guys, your information helps.


    I have been studying cinema for 2 years now, I know and understnad that any business like this is extremely hard to get into and that unlike most comon belief, it is totally unglamorous. I don't have those expectations of being flown out to an exotic place with beautiful peole HAHA! Anyway Thanks for the info.



  3. Hi, I really laughed after reading your post.


    Well some people saw some of my pictures, they in turn recomemded me for work to friends and/or associates. Meetings to discuss prices and other pertinent info are pending in three cases.


    There you go!


    Now can I get an answer please...


  4. I have a few headshot and wedding jobs lined up. What should I be

    charging for these two types of work. I am very confident in my

    abilities to produce an excelent product for my clients, with that

    in mind, what should I be charging. Thanks

  5. Hi Guys


    I just Purchased a Canon 20D. I have been taking pictures since I

    was 10 years old, now at 20 I realize that photography is my love

    and that I want to do this for a living. I have already been

    contracted a few times on small jobs and local New Papers but

    nothing special. I know this has been asked here before but can

    anybody give me some advice on getting started professionally in

    Canada (or internationaly). Photojournalism and fashion are my two

    loves (check out the 4 pictures I have in my account). Anyway If

    anybody has info on associations that I should try to join, or any

    universities that I should look into, really anything to get a head

    start in this amazing business, PLEASE LET ME HAVE IT! I am sure

    some of you successful photogs have already been in my shoes.


    Take care


  6. Ken


    I Live in Montrèal, Québec, CANADA BRRRRRR!


    It's cold up here. Last year we had a good 3 weeks of -40 celcius and under weather. I have used my EOS Elan 2 (film) under such temperatures. My main fear was weather or not the film stock was going to freeze and shatter inside the camera. Ok we are talking digital here. I have shot many times under cold weather without any problems except for shorter battery life. I personally think canon is trying to save its own ass for warranty puproses. Clearly your camera is going to be slightly slower, but I think the main thing to do is get some information on the components of your camera IE: The plastics used, the type of glass and mirrors used. stuff like that. And then do some light research on what the temperature breaking points are for the specific materials. That should give you a pretty good guideline of how low you can go.


    Think of some events such as rally racing in sweden @ -15 to -20, or arctic polar bear photography in -30 to -60. Of course these guys are using the pro 1 series but still, they do it.


    You are probably not going to shoot in -50 weather very often. -10 to -15 for an hour or so, I wouldn't be too worried. I wouldn't go much lower than that tough.


    Good Luck

    I feel your cold cold pain ;-)

    take care


  7. Hey Guys


    I am going to get the 20D next thursday. Right now all I have for

    glass is a 50mm 1.8 MII (canon). I want a bit more versatility. I

    have been looking at the forums and the right thing to do seems to

    be to get a Sigma 24-70 2.8 dg macro, a Tamron 28-75 2.8 DI or a 24-

    70L 2.8. NOW, there is this other little lens, 17-85 IS designed

    specifically for the dslr.


    What should I get. Of course the L would be great but 2K! Thats a

    lot of dough.


    Could somebody show me some test shots from their Tamron and Sigma

    lenses please (the ones stated above) on the 20D. The posts show the

    Sigma as winning but the Camera sales man I deal with says the

    Tamron is better. What do you think guys?


    Please give me some feedback.



  8. Thanks to everybody who gave me some lowdown on the camera. Very very good stuff in your posts. Thanks for the sample pics. What a camera this seems to be.


    I am going to get it as soon as my next paycheck comes in!


    Take care all


    I will be sending you Sample Pics in the Critique area as soon as I have some.


    Take care


  9. Hi Guys



    This is my first post ever here, I have been watching you all write

    and am very impressed with the respect and knowledge you all have

    for and with one another. Congrats!



    I have been heavilly shopping/reading forums on this camera body and

    I find myself falling ever more in love with the Canon 20D (I went

    to see it today for the first time. I Would love to get some final

    convincing words from 20D owners on why I should get this camera and

    not another one (IE: Used 10D, D70, D100 etc). Any Pros and Cons

    greatly greatly appreciated, Personal stories and gripes also

    welcomed so if you have a 20D story to share THIS IS THE TIME!


    Let me have it!


    I also want to know if you guys feel I should get an extended

    warranty or not. No international extended warranties seem available

    to me but most of my pictures will be taken out of Canada. Should I

    get one?




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