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Posts posted by seaton_spratt

  1. <p>I own the SQ-AI and it is a great camera, You could pick up a great condition one for a fraction the price of the Hasselblad. Also depends on the lenses you need. The Hasselblad glass is not cheap either. The advantage of the hasselblad though is that at least they are still considered repairable and serviceable. The Bronica is Pretty much throw away if something needs to be fixed. I cant find anyone who will touch them anymore, but im in Sydney, Aust. Might be better in the US. Id say it depends how much you are prepared to spend. </p>
  2. <p>it has actually started to work again after about an hour of focusing back and forth. It isnt hitting in the back where it goes through an nothing is loose. i Checked everything like that before i posted this question. But it does sound like a tiny screw is now rattling about in the back of the lens. so my thought is that it was jamming on a loose screw that has now been dislodged. Although i could also be very wrong. If it was an old bashed about lens i would just get another but i bought it New old stock about 2 years ago. It was cheap though.</p>
  3. <p>Hi my bronica lens has seemed to stop focusing. It wont focus to infinity. The focusing ring jams about half way through like it hitting on something inside the lens. Anyone got any ideas or know somewhere in Sydney that could fix this? This actually happened to me once before but it started to work again.</p>
  4. <p>



    Im thinking of buying either of these cameras. The problem is i need to have a full framed fisheye in my lens lineup. I cant afford the 5dII either. So do i go for the 7D and use a Sigma 10mm fisheye which i hear still only gives a view of 167' or do i go with the D300s with the nikon 10.5mm which offers the true 180' view? Surely the Nikon lens is also better quality than the sigma. Is the 7D really that much better anyway? The other option is to use the Tokina 10-17mm fisheye on the 7d. not sure how good that is though. I also dont have any Nikon or Canon gear so its not like i already have a bunch of lenses for one brand.</p>



  5. <p>Hi, <br>

    I just bought a second hand Norman 400b. It came with two heads. An Lh2 head and the standard Lh52k head.<br>

    Is the Lh2 head of any use with the 400b pack?<br>

    From the research i have done the lh2 is a 200w/s head i think. can i use a Y cable and run both heads off the single pack at 200w/s? The Lh2 head has a different pin configuration.<br>

    Also it came with the older square grey charger and has the super batteries in the pack. Can anyone give me specific instructions on charging? As from what i think this is not the correct charger for the super batteries.<br>

    Any help would be much appeciated. Thanks.</p>

  6. Thanks for the replies everyone, Its not until i import the photos to my computer that its

    usually noticed, so dont think i can still check what iso they were taken at can i? Also, its not

    in low light situations or under-exposure. I'll be sure to keep an eye on the iso in the future.

  7. Hi there,

    My girlfriend has a G7 which every so often takes a few really grainy photos in a row, then all of a sudden

    it goes back to taking sharp photos. The grain is bad enough to make the shots unprintable, does anybody

    else have this problem or know what causes this? She tells me that the camera is a dud. I shoot with film

    and dont have much experience with digital.

    Any help would be great.

    Thank you.

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