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Posts posted by jules_kropotkin

  1. <p>Hello,<br>

    I registered here a long time ago and used the website for a while. Now I haven't used it for a long time, and wanted to delete my account but found out it's impossible, and I understand. <br>

    However, I'm really annoyed because the photo.net profile page shows up as one of the first results on google when googling my name.<br>

    As a first thing I tried changing my name to another name, but it didn't work. The same name still shows, and I'm told I already did it once, which I didn't.<br>

    Then I tried changing my personal information and deleting my picture, but that didn't work either. The old information and picture still shows up.<br>

    What can I do to empty my profile? It's fine if my posts still show, but I'd really really like to get rid of that old information, and the system doesn't seem to be working. If I go to my <strong>workspace</strong>, my <strong>"personal information" section is basically empty</strong> (although it still shows the name I tried to change),<br>

    however, if I click on my <strong>profile</strong> from google, <strong>all the information I deleted is still there.</strong><br>

    Could someone please help me?<br>

    Thanks a lot!<br>

    Link to the profile in question: http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=932055</p>

    <p> </p>

  2. Hello everybody,<p>


    a friend of mine purchased today an used Canon Powershot G5 for a very good

    price. Everything went fine until this evening the camera freezed. Yes, it just

    freezed. She turned it on and the lens got stuck at the longest zoom position,

    the back screen went lighted but black, an orange light is glowing just above

    the on/off button and nothing can be done to make it work. We tried to remove

    the battery, to plug it in, to hold down the "off" button, nothing works.

    Sometimes the camera keeps turning itself on/off until the battery runs low.<p>


    Any idea on what could be done? Thank you very much!<p>


    Federico Sartorio

  3. I know you are interested in the specs. I will soon test the device shooting wallpapers

    inside my garage for two days and then shooting brick walls outside for other two days,

    just to be sure. Then I will do the same thing again but with a digital camera.<p>

    My main problem is to find an unit associated to a numerical value for measuring bokeh.

    I've read all of Ansel Adams' books but he doesn't mention it :-( Can anyone help?

  4. Thanks to all who have answered so far. Thank you Eric for pointing you to your example, I

    must say I really love the feel that picture has. This lens seems to give quite unique

    results. Ernest, I would be glad to see your photos and comment on them but sadly the

    links you provided just show the logo of the site. And thank you very much in advance

    Justin for taking the time to submit your photos later. I'm leaning towards the decision of

    buying the lens.<br>

    Best regards,<br>

    Federico Sartorio

  5. If the viewfinder of your camera is good enough to let you manually focus in dim light, I

    would say go for it. It all depends on your camera body in fact, first of all check that your

    camera can meter with MF lenses ( All MF bodies, F, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F100, D1 and D2

    series can I believe. I'm not sure about the N90 and others). If it does, i'd buy the 50 1.4.

    I'm sure it is much sturidier than the Af version, too.<br>

    Bye and happy shooting,<br>

    Federico Sartorio

  6. Hello everybody, today I saw a nikkor 50mm Ais f1.2 in good condition in a shop for 300

    Swiss francs (about 250$). My brother just bought an F3HP and needs a lens. I'm very

    interested in that particular one and we could share it (I'm a happy F100 user).<br>

    Should we buy it, it would be a pity not to exploit its low-light capability. My question is:

    are photos taken wide open (f 1:1.2) acceptable? How is the bokeh? I searched photo.net

    and the internet for

    examples but all I could find were shots made at f2 and above. Could somebody please

    post some pictures taken wide open or provide some links to pages containing such

    pictures? it would be of great help in my decision. Thank you very much!<br>

    Best regards,<br>

    Federico Sartorio

  7. They share both the same modified Gauss design. I own the Ais version and it is the lens I

    use most?it is a truly amazing lens. So well built and such a lovely bokeh. I read that the

    difference between the Ai and the Ais version is that the latter has a built-in retractable

    metallic hood which is handy and has an improved, more modern multi-coating too.

    Sharpness and contrast should be the same, maybe the Ais version is more resistant to

    flare and ghosting.<p>

    Best regards,<p>

    Federico Sartorio<div>00BMjD-22166684.jpg.23bd7169369d2a35ae4273362492d20f.jpg</div>

  8. Hello, I am very interested in recreating the look of the early color slides. I did a search on

    photo.net but couldn't find a satisfying answer. Every time I see an "old" color picture, with

    orange-skinned people, monocolr electric blue sky and that warm, demodé feel in all the

    colors I can't help loving it. Is there somebody still producing a film like that? Or is the

    effect obtainable in some way? Wouldn't it be great if kodak reissued a film made exactly

    like the first color slides?<br>I sadly don't have a darkroom and therefore can't develop

    films myself. Thanks to anybody that can provide me with some information about this,

    bye!<br>Federico Sartorio

  9. Hello, I just saw a very cheap used pk-3 nikon extension tube (ring?). I'd like to use it with

    my Ais 105 2.5 lens in order to focus closer. Is that tube suited for the purpose? I

    searched photo.net and the internet but couldn't find extensive information about that

    tube, is it non-ai? Will it work with Ai/Ais lenses? I noticed the tube has the "rabbit ears".

    I'd be very grateful to anyone who could provide information about that ring or, even

    better, a link to a good page about nikon extension rings too. Thank you very much!

    <br>Federico Sartorio

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