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Image Comments posted by SARTMADJIEV



    These guys are so restless and scary that permanently turn their backs to you. It is a difficult task to make a group photo of  them…good shot…regards

    the puppeteer


    I like this image, the posture of the guy, the hidden expectation on his face, the far from easy life of the ordinary person shown on the picture, though this was not the intention of the author… regards

  1. I am aware from my personal experience how difficult is to catch a good candid photography. Sometimes I think that the more I shoot the more probable it is to have a keeper. In fact fluke is not enough. It goes together with an intuition. Nevertheless the catching of the candid moments is quite difficult action. I call this type of photography   stolen images because it is an act of stealing and abuse. You have really managed to catch the moment and to get a good street photograph. Congrats.



    Very touching image. Conveys rather ambiguous feelings to the viewer. Very well caught the decisive moment of this moody face which may last only seconds and then to disappear. Congratulations.



    Very beautiful landscape image. The colors and the light were caught just at the right time. Probably the image will stay quite well on the wall with appropriate framing and paspartu.

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