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Image Comments posted by sergeyushakov

  1. I am still sure that paper-thin DOF is appropriate decision here - the intention was to illustrate some raw life power in this guy, not handsomness :)

    As the nose attract some unwanted attention - may be some burning will help - like this:




    This place in Colorado - Great Sand Dunes National Monument - is real gem! The sand color is not spectacular - grayish brown so I decided B/W will work better - and the sky was a little dull that day. I was looking for the shot - trying to include mountains in frame :) - then looked back and saw my own track.

    August should be interesting, when sunflowers grow right amidst sand dunes...

  2. I like this photo a lot myself, though it was not carefully composed but rather just shot in a hurry boarding a bus to Cambridge. Only back home, looking through the flash card I found it more interesting than standard shots of Kings College etc. You never know :). To Salvatore - no, I was not thinking about specific shapes - not enough experience yet to do under travel pressure... I agree - it would be more graphic if that red spot was full triangle.

    I just joined the Photo.net - and wow! - I am impressed - this community is really active, high level and friendly!

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